Sloppy angry Thomas

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The training session with the players was a massacre.

When the boys started their training on Monday they got tired and surprised, they handled the other days nicely, but when the coach of the main team conducted the training hours the tryouts felt like they were dying.

The players were faster, they had more resistance and they knew how o deal with the coach's shouts, but the younger ones were dragging themselves, making a fool of themselves. Thomas felt ridiculous when he took a lifetime to take control of the ball during a piggy in the middle game. For the first time since he met the player, Lucas was not smiling when they locked eyes. The older player mouthed a question and Thomas didn't reply, he just kept his trots.

"That was the worst thing ever," said a tryout and Thomas agreed with him.

"It was humiliating... Our training does not prepare us to play with them..." Said the boy, he was angry. Compared to the way the older players trained the tryouts train was a kid practice.

"I wonder..." Said Marcus Pilar, the forward player who impressed Thomas with his clip, "how do they expect us to play with them on official games if we can't even keep up with them during training? My legs are gone dude, I don't think I'll ever walk again."

Thomas felt his body ache too, the tryouts knew they couldn't keep up with the players, but they pushed themselves harder and harder as the coach screamed at them.

"I'm not even going to eat, I'm going to lay down and wait for the second round," said a blond boy who literally threw himself on the couch in the playroom.

Thomas wanted to do the same, but he knew he needed to fuel his body for the afternoon practice, they would be practicing passing and would play a game against the 19 professional players.

Lucas didn't talk as he used to at every lunch they had that week.

"You guys are too good." Said Thomas and the player looked at him, Tim agreed with him.

"You were making angry faces all the time..." Said Lucas "are you pissed?"

"Yes, our coach didn't prepare us to this, we thought it was hard, but man, to train with all of you was a whole different thing, I'm dead." Lucas laughed.

"Your coach can't train you guys like us... As you realized you weren't ready. That's why we'll train with you at least one day during the week.

"Tomorrow I'll be sick." Said Tim, "how are we going to enjoy the party if we want to stay in our chairs the whole evening?"

"You will get used to it, I mean it, just don't freak out now, it's the first training, it'll get better after a few weeks... So, are you boys bringing dates tomorrow?" Lucas didn't look at Thomas, he probably didn't think the boy had one, he looked at Tim as the boy talked about a childhood crush who he invited and said yes.

Thomas didn't want to judge, but he thought it was sad, the girl who never paid attention to him or gave him a chance decided to give him an opportunity after he started living among celebrities. That was one of the reasons Thomas didn't enjoy making friends. People were fake.

"She is flying here tomorrow, she is very excited." Lucas nodded, he looked at Thomas and said nothing.

"I'm taking that girl Sky..." He said and both men stared at him.

"Are you? For real?" Asked Lucas slowly creating a smile, "I'm shocked, I'm happy that you're extending the list of people you talk with, so, what is the deal with both of you?"

Thomas wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion.

"She asked, and I said yes... There is no deal..."

"You don't just say yes to people," said Tim and Lucas pointed the form to the boy and agreed.

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