Thomas question his importance

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Sky was smiling at Marcus and Thomas stared at her. His heart was beating too fast and he didn't know why, he felt like a bird trapped and was trying to find a way out of his cage.

"Sky? Can I talk to you?" He asked, his question stopped Marcus mid sentence and the other two looked at him confused, Thomas didn't care, Sky looked at Marcus and nodded. The two walked away from most people within earshot and didn't even let her question what was happening when he said: "did you date Vizanno?" The girl's eyes got wide and she instinctively looked around searching for Marcus.

"Why are you asking me this? How do you know this?" She asked and Thomas didn't even think to reply.

"Vizanno told me..."

"But why? I don't tell people this, it wasn't dating, it was so quickly and I try not to think about it..."

"Why?" Thomas said.

"Thomas, you're sounding very weird. Well, I thought we were going to be something serious, but it wasn't, I was just like all the other girls he dated, I thought he only had eyes for me and that I could make him mine... but Vizanno is not like that, he spent two weeks telling me a lot of things, but I wasn't the only girl he was seeing, and then he just got tired." The girl said and Thomas felt his legs tremble. "It's so weird that he would tell you this... oh my gosh, did he told you expecting you'd tell Marcus? I can't believe..."

"No, that was not it, he was just talking about me being too friendly with Marcus, that maybe Marcus was into men, I told you guys were dating and he said he had dated you too. Sky, I think I might go to The House now, my head is hurting." The boy hugged her and turned.

"Are you going to manage to get there just fine?" Sky asked the boy sent a thumbs up without turning to face her and kept walking. His head was pounding like a hammer.

Thomas woke up in the middle of the night with his roommates getting into the bedroom, he went back to sleep and only woke up again at his usual time, the sun was rising and he felt numb, he was doing his regular routine when he remembered the conversations he had with his friend and Vizanno. He took his phone out of his shorts' pocket and checked the texts he had gotten from both Sky and Vizanno.

The girl was checking if he was okay and he replied that he was. The other one had sent multiple messages asking if he was okay, Why he was ignoring him and asking Thomas to call him back, he didn't reply any of those.

He decided to go for a jogging, none of the other residents of the house would be up that early on a Sunday morning, and the boy didn't even see the two adults responsible to watch the younger ones.

As much as the boy tried he couldn't ignore that he was angry at Vizanno and he didn't know the reason, he thought that the conversation with his friend had opened his eyes to the possibility of him being just another one and he hated that it mattered to him, he didn't want to be just another one. He tried to outrun his thoughts and after a couple of hundred feet he was focused on his running, and only on that.

Thomas was dripping sweat and breathless when he came back to The House grounds, his heart was slowly coming back to its regular rhythm. He was walking up the driveway when he saw the figure at the porch. The boy stopped as he recognized Vizanno and tried to make sense of how the man was there or if he was losing his sanity, when he decided he was seeing things Vizanno looked up and saw him, and as Thomas remained still Vizanno decided to come to the boy.

From Another continent to the place thomas was living in about twelve hours, vizanno would have to play a game on the following day, but he was there. Thomas tried to think that the Why was unbeknownst to him, but he didn't like to lie to himself.

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