Thomas becomes a counselor and he offers his body to Vizanno

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Vizanno got the door wearing only his sweatpants

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Vizanno got the door wearing only his sweatpants. His exposed torso was the first thing Thomas checked, the small bulge was the second. The boy looked at the man's face and raised his eyebrows as if asking "seriously". As a response Vizanno just gave him a crooked smile.

That was the third time Thomas visited the house. Every time he got surprised with the amount of glass and expensive-looking furniture. He was sure some of the things in the living room weren't there when he visited before, and it was probable that they were not.

"So, what's your brilliant idea?" Thomas asked. Vizanno was walking slowly at a safe distance from the boy, but they had their very interested eyes on each other all the time.

"I'll give you all the tips and advices you need and might want to deal with the drills, in stance you'll go with me to the clubs." Vizanno asked.

Thomas gasped. He needed both Sir and Vizanno's point of view on the drills so the boy could master it with his talent, but he didn't want to risk his performance by staying up all night every single weekend. The boy laughed and shook his head.

"You're talented Thomas, incredible actually, but the drills are about techniques, skills, I think you'd master them by yourself, but as you were unaware of your sloppy left foot, you might be unaware of other things too." Thomas didn't like the man's comment. "Come with me." Said Vizanno, the man started walking out of the room, decided and confident. At first Thomas didn't move, but he followed the other player.

Thomas had never seen that part of the house, the corridor's walls were filled with jerseys from other players, jerseys the man had exchanged and kept, they were too many, but one in particular got Thomas' attention. The name Elenon was stamped at the back of a purple jersey. Thomas stared with his mouth open at the framed jersey.

"You've played against Sir?" Thomas said, he didn't remember that, Vizanno stopped walking and looked back.

"Not really, I was on the bench, but when the game ended I asked for his jersey. He used to be my idol... Let's go." Reluctantly the boy moved, looking for more surprises.

They passed the big ironed kitchen, a game room with more screens than necessary and left the big house to face the large backyard. Impressive construction that had all kind of  things.

A small soccer field. A swimming pool, and a small tennis court. The boy looked in awe. He was surprised with the size of the property, it was a private place, but Vizanno's was for sure the biggest house there.

"You can practice there. We won't be breaking the rules, and this rule is broken all the time by the players, I won't give you the drills they will, I'll help you correct your current flaws." Vizanno said and Thomas once again looked angrily at the man.

"You're horrible at pitching." The boy said. He caught himself looking at Vizanno's bare skin. He hated that it was so appealing to him. How the outside lights made the man's skin shine and how his body hair was reacting to the cold air outside.

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