Thomas goes to a party. Spoiler: he hates it.

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Every step toward the bleachers made Thomas' heart beat faster. The tryout boys were the first ones allowed to enter the area. There was a small group of people setting musical instruments on the sidelines of the field. The boys were told they'd have a small concert by a secret artist before the game. 

The stadium was as beautiful as he remembered, but this time he would be watching it so close to the pitch and as one of the members of the club, he couldn't have dreamed something better for that sunny afternoon.
Tim was out of himself, the girl he had invited would be watching the game too, from a less privileged seat, then they would go out and get ready for the annual soccer event that reunited all the best teams and players in the nation, plus all kind of celebrities. The boy couldn't stop talking, Thomas didn't mind because he wasn't paying much attention, occasional nods to keep the boy talking, but he still felt sorry for the other kid. 

When the first fans started getting into the stadium Thomas could not help but keep himself standing up and waving, he was one of the spectacles they had come to see, he needed to deliver.
"That's a great strategy," said one of the tryout boys. 

"That's not a strategy... He is doing that 'cuz he wants to, the only strategy he uses is on that pitch" said Tim in Thomas' defense and the boy was glad he didn't need to reply. It was his obligation to make those people feel happy in that place, it was the home of their team, it was a great day. 

"Hey Tim, maybe you should ask Lucas to show you around when you pick up your friend. He knows the town better." Said Thomas e the other boy got pale in seconds. "What's wrong?"

"I can't ask Lucas... We... I am... He is like a professional super well paid soccer player who has lots of fans. He wouldn't agree, but it would be great, she's a fan of his, in fact, Vizanno's too..." Not surprised Thomas smiled, most people liked the cocky athlete. 

"I'll ask him... You can tell her already. He won't deny." Said Thomas, he looked at the stadium one last time before the secret artist showed up.

Bee Tunzia's one of the biggest singers in the country! Talented in all areas, singing, acting, dancing and was very rich! She as also very beautiful and loved by the population, mainly the elderly ones, for some unknown reason! And Thomas grandma was one of the singer's biggest fan, and that made the boy love and learn all of her hits.

"Holy shit, my grandma is going to flip when I tell her this..." Said the boy, he took his phone from his pocket and as the woman greeted the crowd and started her warm up the boy ha already recorded enough to text her favorite person. 

"You look very excited about something so not soccer-related" Tim shouted as people screamed responses to the artist.

"My grandma likes her, guess I do too."
The woman sang the national anthem, all the stadium stand as one and sang with her. Thomas ha goosebumps all over, it as a classic game, the stadium was full and the sound of the voices made him super excited. 

After the anthem Bee sang two of her biggest hits and Thomas sang along and smiled more than he expected and his face was showed on the big screens all the time. The fans started to recognize him and localized him among the other boys and soon he had hundreds of people watching him watch the quick show. 

He clapped as hard as he could when she was done and the mood of the place changed as the instruments were taken from the pitch, the adversary team started singing their team official song and the crocodiles didn't let it be, slowly they went from the fans songs until the official, singing loud, proud and happy, thousands of people together. Thomas felt like he could cry, but he was singing at the top of his lungs, smiling and hitting his knuckles in the air, he was a fan, he was a tryout, he was everything and that moment was his favorite. 

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