Thomas doesn't like to be lied to

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On Monday nobody had seen any picture or video of Thomas attacking Vizanno's car. The boy found it surprising, but he guessed it was so absurd that someone would destroy a car like that that nobody had thought of recording it.

The public were unaware, but the tryouts had shared the news and some players did the same, and by the time the boy had arrived to the training center he was positive the whole staff and board knew about it.

The meeting with Isabella went as usual, Thomas didn't look to Vizanno and was quieter than usual, letting the grown ups talk and only speaking when asked something.

"Are you okay, kid?" Asked Sir, the boy lift his head and saw how the man's gaze went from him to Vizanno as he waited for the reply.

"I'm cool." He said. He fled from the room when they were done.

The boy trained as hard as he could, trying to get his focus back on the game and to show that his head was where it mattered to him the most.

Every time the boy crossed path with Freddy he saw the smirk on the man's face. He stopped walking once and stared as the man passed.

"Are you going to hit me too? Will you need a bar for that?" Asked the man, he was taller than Thomas, stronger even. Soccer players didn't have to be muscular, since it would slow them down, but they were fit, and lean, and that fact stopped Thomas from raising his fists and breaking Freddy's nose. The boy walked away, fists clenched and eyes full of fury.

The players and tryouts were sat on a circle, Thomas knew where every person he cared about was, Lucas as usual next to him, Marcus next to Vizanno, the man that was next to his best friend Lucas, and Tim across from him talking happily to Freddy who seemed the most friendly person at that moment. Sir watching him somewhere to his left and even Sky watching the community moment from a shade. She obviously heard the news, but didn't say anything.

"Hey, Thomas, that friend Peter of yours... did you change your number per any chance? He texted me cuz you haven't given any sign of being alive... do you want me to give your new digits?" Marcus asked, Lucas frowned and Thomas saw how quickly Vizanno's head snapped to his direction the moment he heard Peter's name.

"Oh... I didn't change my number, I'll reply him. Thanks, Marcus!" Said Thomas, a grin forming on his face, he had an agreement with Vizanno and he was not going to break it, even if he was no longer interested in even speaking with the other man.

Lucas shook off his curiosity and got up, as the current captain he was handling the community moments.

"So, you losers... insights, I want both the players and the tryouts to comment on how this season is going so far. I'll start." Thomas looked at Lucas and saw his lips moving, but he wasn't really listening, he had a lot of insights, but he was not going to say any of them.

Tryouts commented on the difficulties they had found while player with the other teams, the boy was only watching, but he saw a couple of players laughing.

"Anything funny?" The boy asked the two players, they looked at the boy confused. "Nick's been telling his opinion about his game and you guys are just laughing..."

"I just find it's funny what tryouts think of as hard. That's all." Said the player, Thomas looked at Nick, his teammate was looking down and Thomas didn't like it.

"Interesting, I don't think that's funny, what I find funny is the fact that you players look at the tryouts as if we're not worthy of respect, and yet the main team only started to win a couple of games ago because Sir and that other one..." he pointed to Vizanno. "Started to play as a team... I think it's funny how mediocre players like yourself is a professional when any player from the tryout squad are more hard working and deserving... we've won every single game we've played, we're the best tryouts this team has ever seen and yet some of us will lose this opportunity and you'll keep doing your poor job." Thomas stood up, he looked around. "I think it's stupid that you can play here when I've done everything I could to help this team and I won't make the cut! So my point is, shut the fuck up before you speak anything about these boys!"

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