Thomas is a voluntary for a day

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Thomas trained as hard as he could, trying to leave everything in the past. He continued having lunch with Lucas, and his relationship with Tim was better than ever.

Sky was always finding a way to corner him and they were spending the boy's free time together, going around town and doing regular things friends probably did. The boy was enjoying it, he was starting to like the fans approaching and talking to him, he was used to the annoyed glances some people sent his way. He didn't care.

Isabella was keeping contact with Thomas 24/7, the woman seemed content with all the attention and popularity Thomas was receiving. She was always smiling and giggling and trying to book him an interview which he declined every time. She didn't mind, they both knew he'd come around and do some publicity gig before the tryouts season ended.

Sir was neuter and focused on motivating the boy the best way he could, Thomas liked spending time with the man, he could find a new trick or a new advice whenever they talked. He liked how supportive Sir was and he wanted to make the man proud.

All the training and having friends occupied the boy's head most of the time, he avoided Vizanno, he knew the man was probably going crazy, but the boy needed to keep his distance. He needed Vizanno to stay away from him. For now.

During the following games Thomas showed to all the fans what he could do, he was fast, precise, working with his tryout teammates and with the main team whenever they were together. The main coach was talking about giving him the number 13 and Thomas heart always tightened up with the thought.

The boy was sitting with on the turf, the sun blinding him a little bit, it was familiar and comforting, he didn't mind, the coaches were talking and passing some paper sheets.

The boy took one when it got to him and saw that the players would be attending some community's event and they'd be going in pairs. The first thing Thomas did was to look at Lucas, the man was looking at him.

"I'm going with Thomas." Said Vizanno, Thomas looked at the player, Vizanno wasn't looking at him. The man was tired of being ignored probably and he wanted to get Thomas somewhere he couldn't just vanish.

The other players joined forces and the training was over. Thomas was going to train his shots on goal, vizanno followed him.

"I'll get you tomorrow at 8. See you." Thomas didn't say anything just watched the man go away in silence, he wanted to punch him and kiss him after. The boy kicked the ground and resumed his solitary training.

Thomas was in front of The House fifteen minutes before the time Vizanno said he'd be there. The man showed five minutes later and they left the neighborhood in silence with time to spare.

The building the two would be helping give toys and food to families in need was dark and the queue of people was impressively big.

"The tryouts are leaving next month... I need you to talk to me." Vizanno said, his voice was firm.

"And why's that?" Asked thomas, the other man shook his head in disbelief.

"I'll lose my credibility, I haven't found a way to stop that bastard. I can't lose you too, dude, I'll be out like you want." Said Vizanno and Thomas closed his eyes. "Don't ignore me like that."

Thomas looked at him. Vizanno looked tired, but he was still very handsome, his stubble was growing and the sun shone on his skin, he was beautiful. "You're not going to lose your credibility. I don't want you out because I want. I don't want you out like this and without your permission. I think we need to get in and prepare for the day." Thomas said, he was reaching for the handle when Vizanno locked the door.

"We have time. If Freddy follows with his plans, are you going to keep on ignoring me?" The older man asked.

"I'll repeat, he will not out you. We can't be together." Thomas said and Vizanno spent a few minutes just watching the boy.

"You're so handsome." Vizanno said. Thomas felt his skin burn and felt silly, he rolled his eyes.

"You are handsome too. It's annoying." Thomas replied and Vizanno laughed.

The two players stayed in silence for a few more minutes before leaving to do the volunteer work the team expected them to do.

Thomas smiled at all the kids and teenagers who came to him and asked for pictures, but he felt an enormous admiration towards Teddy Vizanno, the way the man handled his fans was so natural and genuine, Thomas didn't think he would ever be like that, and he knew why the man was so scared of losing it all.

The boy lost count of how many times he was in a deep conversation with a young soccer player wannabe and ended up bursting in laughter because Vizanno was making jokes and distracting the tryout boy. Thomas was so happy and looking at the man all the time, he was having fun.

"It's ridiculous how easy it is me to make you smile." Vizanno said and Thomas tried not to smile, he shook the man off. "You know what people say, the most important quality of a man is his good sense humor."

"Nobody says that!" Thomas exclaimed frowning. Vizanno laughed.

"It's common knowledge, but of course you don't know that, you know nothing about people, that's why you need me; for my comic side, and my vast understanding of the human behavior." The man said and Thomas laughed more

"You're so full of shit. I'll google this common knowledge of yours."

"I bet you don't know how to use google." Vizanno said.

Thomas sent the man a sharp look and didn't have the chance to reply, he was giving a box of little cars to a little Asian boy with the biggest of smiles on his face. "I can teach you how to google things at my house after we leave this place." Vizanno told the boy, he was very close, his voice low and the intention clear, Thomas chocked on air. He didn't have an answer to that, he knew Vizanno wasn't really interesting on teaching him how to google anything but their bodies together and the boy didn't trust his self control to resist the older man.

The rest of their time doing the volunteer work passed quickly and soon the two players were alone again inside the car and talking about the day's funny moments.

Vizanno started driving and after a few turns he put his hand on the boy's leg and left it there, Thomas was aware of the touch, but he didn't try to put his limb out of the man's reach. The driver only kept his hands off the boy's leg when he needed to use both hands and when they parked in front of The House. "I had fun today." Vizanno Said and Thomas nodded in agreement.

"You should tell what's happening to Lucas..." thomas started. Even though he had had fun, he wouldn't let it cloud his plans.

"I don't listen to his 'I told you so' lecture" Vizanno said, not looking at Thomas and starting to sulk.

"If you deserve it you'll listen to every single word of his infinite wisdom, nobody wants to disappoint Lucas, the man is ridiculously cool." Thomas said and the man laughed.

Thomas wanted the moment to linger and wished he could express what he was feeling, what he didn't know how to put into words, but what he did was to give his farewell and left the car as quick as he could. He knew he was hurting the older player every second he prolonged their not being an item, but it was for the best.

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