Lucas likes Thomas, does thomas hate people?

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Thomas was the only one awake when the first clips of the tryouts aired on the Saturday morning shows about sports.

The showrunners went down the roster of 30 boys by positions, starting with the defense going on to the forward boys.

The 5 boys trying out for the goalkeeper position didn't have many impressive skills, but they had the raw talent that could easily be shaped into better players, and more important than all, they were crazy. Most of the short clips they showed were the boys blocking impossible shots with crazy jumps, having to decide among the five of them would be hard by the clips, but Thomas knew that halfway through the season 3 of the 5 would be not ready to be picked yet, and would probably be cut off by the team's coaches.

The rest of defense was better skilled and most of the 10 boys were incredible; fast paced, strong built and creative, everything the team's wanted in a tryout. Thomas saw one of the boys assisting to a goal that made the crowd watching it go crazy, he crossed the ball more than halfway through the field, right on his teammate's foot, Thomas, while  watching the clip was amazed. Ten boys trying to be the best new center-back or right left/back. Probably just one of them would be chosen.

Only 4 midfielders were trying for the position, and the clips shown were one better than the other. How fast the boys dribbled their opponents and passed the balls, how they took advantage of the ball and attacked with force and scored. Thomas was looking forward to play with them. They were creative and fast. He could see that not all of them could fit in as both attacking and defensive midfielders, but only time would tell for players so young.

Then finally they started with the Forward players. Thomas leaned closer to the tv, he had a cushion on his lap and he was biting his nails. He wasn't surprised to see that the Unity Football Team had picked only the best of the best.

11 boys were trying out for the attacking position, left and right-wingers and strikers showed their talents in short clips chosen by the players. The attacking players' clips focused on them dribbling and scoring over and over again, long shots, impossible scores, and smart dribbles.

Thomas was interested and he observed calmly as his clip rolled on the screen.

The boy took possession of the ball after one of his teammates crossed it to him, Thomas passed it over his marker' head, controlled the ball on his feet while sprinting towards the goal, he was fast and he waited for the goalkeeper to advance before shooting to the goal over the goalie's head beyond his reach. He was content with the main clip chosen. The second clip was a compilation of all the goals he made on the videos he'd sent. He was satisfied with the team's choice of what to show, the fans would be interested in him.

One other tryout caught Thomas attention, he didn't pay attention to the boy during the first week, but he knew who he was, he didn't know he was trying out to be a striker, he didn't care, he just admired the boy agility and soft kick that made the ball curve on its way to the goal, confusing the goalie.

As soon as the clips were over Thomas got messages from his grandmother, she talked to him through messages every day and he was waiting for her to show up, she was the only person besides him to wake up early on a Saturday that he knew, not even his grandfather could stand the idea. He was texting her while eating his breakfast.

Alvaro showed up not long after and he talked about the clips he'd seen; Thomas happily went through his favorites just like he did with his grandfather every year, for a few moments he had forgotten he was among the thirty chosen ones, when Alvaro complimented him, the boy felt his cheeks get redder. He didn't get why, but every time he talked to the man he felt this need to be humble and felt easily embarrassed.

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