Thomas debut, he is amazing.

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The tunnel was channeling all the noise by the fans, being inside of that was a little nerve wrecking if you thought about all the people above you, walking and jumping.

Thomas was aware of all of that, but he was smiling, he had a maniac smile on his face and he heart was hitting his rib cage like a hammer, the boy looked around, he wasn't the only tryout to debut that day, but the others weren't looking as pleased.

"Come on guys, let's enjoy this thing..." Said the boy trying to cheer his friends up. Marcus screamed in agreement and Tim just looked surprised that his friend was addressing the other players.

The coach was talking to the other team's coach, their rivals looked at them weird, like they had something against the boys they'd never played with before.

"What's their problem?" Asked Thomas

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"What's their problem?" Asked Thomas.

"They know they're being murdered, and none of them was recruited to try out here, so, yeah, they kinda hate us

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"They know they're being murdered, and none of them was recruited to try out here, so, yeah, they kinda hate us." Said a teammate in front of Thomas; the boy's smile got wider and he knew he was looking stupid like Sky and Lucas always did when try smiled for no reason.

The referees showed up and the two lines of young players moved on towards the field. And that's when Thomas felt himself being lift to a better plan, nothing could compare to that feeling.

The fans were loud, the lights were strong, but the happiness was the loudest thing in the boy's head. He looked around, to the people screaming, to the spectators singing the team's song, he felt the pitch and he enjoyed the moment. He was as happy as he was at that moment.

The young men lined up for the national anthem, they tossed the coin and they were taking there position. As Thomas refuse to debut during a main game he was relocated to the starting lineup of the tryouts. That was his moment. That was his moment.

Marcus kicked the boy and the boy moved, he didn't want to be off-mark, but he didn't want to waist his teammates time. He got the ball from a right full back and as he turned he saw that he couldn't go through his two marks and he couldn't make a shot to the goal, he passed it to Marcus who was free. The boy passed to Nick, the third Unity's striker. The boy passed back to Thomas and the boy's mark got close trying to get the ball, Thomas needed him to back off and he saw Nick's closer to the goal than both Thomas and Marcus, he passed back to the boy and his mark got the bait, as Nick's got the ball and prepare to pass  it to Marcus, Thomas moved along with the rival's defense and he wished Marcus could see him before his mark realized what he was doing. Marcus did.

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