Thomas deals with the aftermath

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Thomas was sat in the main team's coach office. The boy avoided all Of the reporters that tried to get to the bus as fast as he could, still wearing his sweaty jersey when the coach snatched him aside and made him go change with everyone.

Thomas tried to ignore the other players, hoping they would ignore him, but they approached him anyway. For the first time he just wanted to stay away from the Pantano As soon as possible. He left the changing room and the coach was waiting for him, he started walking and Thomas followed him. And now he was silently waiting the man speak.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you out there." The man said and Thomas just nodded. Lucius Fitas was a great coach, he was trying to make the main team come back to its glorious days and he was succeeding. Thomas admired and feared the man, he had a huge influence on who made the cut, he could veto or make him come through even if the tryout's coach didn't agree.

"I should had known it was a stupid idea." Thomas said and the man shook his head.

"Thomas S. fitz, this team is the best place in the world for a player to be true to himself. We must have the biggest number of out players in the world, and if it was only one it still would be more than 99% of the clubs have.

We are the most popular team in this nation because we embody exactly what this country is, we are accepting. We are great and we exceed expectations. You didn't make a bad decision, we didn't want any kind of controversy this year, we've been playing good, and you coming out was unexpected, but it isn't bad at all. I know from what your friends on my team say that you aren't the biggest fan of social media and that you avoided comments on your performance more than the players who would be criticized." Lucius said and Thomas looked down.

"I don't really care about what those guys have to say." The boy commented.

"The bad thing about ignoring everything is that as you ignore the bad comments, you also ignore the good." He sat next to Thomas. "What happened today was unfair and it won't happen again. I am making sure you're making the cut to my team, everybody knows it would be stupid to let you go. The goal you scored today was something from a first class player, and you're just 18. With the proper training you can be a legend, but I'll need you to work on how you feel, you gotta talk to someone and express how what happened today affected you."

Thomas didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. He heard the words he wanted since he tried to be a tryout for the first time, he was making the cut to the main of Unity Soccer Team, he was living his dream. But he couldn't ignore the sad and frustrated feeling inside his chest.

The man waited and saw that nothing was coming. He gave Thomas a piece of paper. The boy was expected to see the team's therapist on the following day. The man let the boy leave and Thomas went to the bus.

Tim was using his phone, next to the boy, he didn't say anything but he was constantly scrolling down and Thomas tried not to pay attention, but the boy noticed the glances Tim was sending him trying not to look too obvious. The two were sitting in the living room of The House as the main team and the tryouts celebrated the victory around them. Thomas had the vague idea that Tim was by his side because he didn't want Thomas to feel alone. "Tim, do you stick around me because you're the only one I talk with?"

"You don't speak only with me. You also talk to Marcus. He likes talking to you, I like talking to you, you don't judge me." Said Tim, Thomas nodded.

"Have you seen anything about me?" Asked Thomas to his friend he nudged the phone on the boy's hand and Tim seemed to light up with excitement.

"Everybody has... yeah, you don't use your phone. You're everywhere... famous people are giving you support, most of the main players have publicly advocated in your favor. People are going crazy for you, I really thought you couldn't become more popular, but damn you. There are some people saying shit about you, but there are tons of people fighting on the internet defending ya'. Your goal is being played on everything. It was so beautiful." Tim said and Thomas nodded. He looked down and Tim waited a few seconds before speaking again. "I think what you did was very brave. I wouldn't have the courage... my older brother he likes men, it wasn't easy for him and he hasn't spoken with our parents in 3 years... he texted me when he heard about you."

"He did? Why?" Thomas asked surprised.

"Come on, mate. You're the best tryout and you come out like that. It is a big deal to people like you and my brother. Our father always made us watch soccer and play it, he didn't want us being weak of fluffy. My brother always hated the atmosphere, the jokes the guys did, he came out and dad kicked him out, he lived with a few friends and we never talked about soccer ever again... my parents didn't want me talking to him, but he's my older brother, I would never stop talking to him... the first time we talked about my tryout life and my life here was during your interview... it was important." Tim said and Thomas grinned.

"thank you for telling me that, Tim." Thomas said and his friend smiled broadly.

"My dad must be tripping thinking that I'm turning gay, I'm always around you and stuff."

"Well, fuck him, you're making the cut and being all famous and stuff, it doesn't matter what he thinks." Thomas said and Tim laughed.

For the first time since the incident on the field Thomas was feeling good again. He looked around and absorbed the whole scene. His teammates and the main players, laughing and talking without any worry.

Thomas was proud. Thomas was home.

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