Thomas is invited to a wedding.

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The meeting with Isabella was the usual boring thing. She talked about the men's project that were about to be released to the public. Thomas article for the magazine was commented everywhere and the woman seemed pleased with herself.

The boy had a hard time to accept that he needed her, but he couldn't deny that she was good at her job.

More offers for all the three clients and the she handed them three envelops.

"The weeding of this year, get your suits ready boys!" Both Sir and Vizanno opened their envelopes with eagerness, the boy looked at his own and looked back at the woman. The envelope was black with pink ink.

"Felix and Acazio? Who are they?" He asked utterly confused. He was about to explain he didn't know much about celebrities when Vizanno cut him.

"You're joking right?" Asked Vizanno. Thomas ignored him. He didn't like that the man was surprised with his obliviousness about the names.

"Felix is the reason we are validated as players in this country, Thomas." Said Sir, the man looked at Isabella. "Have you RSVP'd mine already?" The woman just nodded. A big smile on her face. Thomas stared at the grey walls as he waited someone explain to him who were those people in a better way.

"How did you get  3 invitation? I know you're good, but this is a wow." Asked Vizanno.

"I just had to ask for mine and yours Vizanno. Sir and Thomas were invited. Sir by Felix..." Isabella started.

"Ass kisser." Said Vizanno and Sir ignored him.

"... and Thomas by Acazio." Thomas looked at the envelope. The name wasn't familiar to him, he knew he was being watched.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know, Caca isn't into soccer, that he even knows who..."

"Oh... I met him..." the boy said after the woman said the nickname. "his husband... he is an investor." The boy said and everyone looked at him.

"He is just like this lady here." Said Vizanno pointing at Isabella. "Somehow the universe throws the best opportunities at their hands, making them rich and making their clients even richer. He is the guy who tells the world how much we are worthy it and to a player that's very important for transfers and marketing things." Thomas started to realize why the three other people in that room seemed excited about the event. He wondered why Caca was at a regular restaurant.

"It's good that you made a good impression on Caca. He has a huge platform and if you get their attention the sky is the limit boy." The young player knew Isabella was just doing her job, but there was more than creating a fan base with meeting nice people.

"His audience is mainly made of gay people..." Said Vizanno.

"These gay people as you say also pay for tickets for the games, they buy things... don't be prejudiced and ungrateful Vizanno, you know very well that you are so popular amongst non soccer fans because gays love your appearance." Said Isabella and Sir smiled. That was very well known fact. Soccer fans knew how good of a player Vizanno was, regular people knew how much they wanted to sleep with him.

"She's right Thomas. Caca audience is huge and we hardly touch any of them. It'd be good for you. I'd be happy to get some of his fans. Very devoted people, Felix is always telling the crazy things this fans do to please Caca."

Thomas didn't say anything. He didn't care about most of those things. He just thought about Caca, alone at a cheap restaurant talking to strangers, such a nice person.

"Have you rsvp'd mine too?" The boy asked Isabella and she nodded. The boy mouthed a thanks and looked at the invitation.

"So, what I understand is that I was the only one who had to beg for an invitation? I'm the most famous person here!" Vizanno Said.

"Felix doesn't see fame, he sees profit, and I am profitable, Caca seeks friends, and Thomas can be friendly when he wants." Said Sir.

"I also asked for my invitation, and my plus one's. You guys are not allowed plus one, you can go with my husband, a gang from Unity, I'll get there by myself." Isabella said. "That's all for today."

The players left, Vizanno first since Thomas was ignoring him and he wasn't actually a friend of Sir's.

"Sir, do you have Acazio's number by any chance?" Thomas asked the older player, Sir fished his phone and went down his contacts. He seemed surprised with some of the numbers he saw there. After a couple of looks he shook his head.

"No, I don't, I have Felix's, I'll ask him and I give you later." Said the man. Thomas thanked him and wondered how weird it could be to be so rich and popular that  you don't even know whose number you have on your own phone.

Sir gave Thomas the number during their lunch. The boy ate everything and after the man left to go call his kids Thomas decided to call the stranger man he met at the restaurant's bar.

~who's this?~ was the reply the boy got as soon as someone answered on the other line.

~hm, this is Thomas S. Fitz... I'd like to talk to Acazio...~

~Little soccer player I thought I had introduced myself as Caca, then why are you calling me that horrible name?~

~I'm sorry... I didn't know if I could...~

~don't be silly child. You're too formal! That's good, it was easy to find you since you gave me your full name. I guess you got my invitation.~ said Caca.

~Yes, I did. I want to say thank you, for what I heard it won't be easy to get invited and you did after meeting me once...~

~Thomas S. Fitz... it's very hard to meet people that are accepting of your life style in this world, and the fact you didn't even seemed surprised I had a husband makes you a different person, and you're nice to talk to. After I searched you and realized you're a promising young soccer ball kicker I decided to invite you. You're welcome.~  Thomas just laughed and thanked again.

~you said your husband was just an investor, not one of the most important ones.~

~you said you were a soccer player, not one of the best Uni whatever has ever had... I think we're even.~ Thomas smiled. ~when I said I was inviting you my husband didn't like much, we're already inviting two players from your team, the goalkeeper and the handsome one, Sir is a friend of the family and another player will come as a plus one, he didn't want that many players from a different team of his favorite.~  Thomas nodded while the man spoke and slowly made the count. Freddy, Vizanno, Sir and Lucas were coming for the part of Felix, Thomas was the only player invited by Caca.

~why me? You must know other players from different teams.~ Caca gasped and Thomas realized that even though soccer was becoming accepting of gay players they were not actually going anywhere to stop the hate and prejudice.

~Changing to better topics, you're going to have fun, Bee will be here, and for what I saw you like her a lot, you'll have the players from your team, will meet a lot of famous people and your friend will be there...~ Thomas didn't say anything for a while, his grandmother would love him going to the same party as Bee, but he didn't know which friend. He asked and Caca seemed confused. ~I watched your interview about your past, your childhood friend plays for my husband's favorite team. All the players will come... What his name again?... I think it's...~

~Peter Delay?~ the boy asked and Caca almost exploded with excitement as he agreed.

~Gorgeous player, his posts on Instagram make my day. Dear Thomas S. Fitz, I am being called to deal with something about the wedding. See you.~ Thomas said his goodbyes and only put the phone away from his ear a couple of minutes later.

Peter Delay and Teddy Vizanno would be at the same place as Thomas and he didn't want that.

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