Thomas. The party boy!

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As SOON as the boys got to The House on Friday after training they all went upstairs to get ready for the night out with the players. On most days Thomas just went to the living room, laid down, put on a sports channel and tried to ignore his housemates, all very excited, going around the place, talking loud and laughing a lot. But in that evening he went upstairs as well, went to the showers, feeling his body ache with the new exercises and the intensity of the new drills, the bored boy put on his nice clothes, which were rare since he planned to dress on the same sport clothes he was used to, and waited for his teammates to get ready to go.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Asked Marcus. The boy had his hair pulled back and was wearing plain dark clothes, it all sent the attention to his tanned cute face. He was beautiful. Thomas focused on the boy's dark eyes.

"I'm coming with you." Said Thomas, he didn't like the feeling he felt when the words left his mouth, let alone the feeling he felt when Marcus' smile lit up like a firework as soon as the words sank in.

"You got to be joking me... THOMAS' COMIN' WITH US GUYS!" The boy screamed to the other players, and Thomas closed his eyes. He was waiting the boys to get ready for almost two hours, they would have dinner and then leave, Marcus was the first to notice that Thomas was also wearing party clothes. "Finally, thought you'd never have some fun."

The tryouts talked about Thomas, his talent, his way to shut people out and his honesty that was very often mistook by being "arrogant..."

"Oh believe, I won't." Said Thomas, he looked at the confused boy staring back at him. "I told Vizanno I'd go. I don't break my promises."

"It was about time." Marcus said. The other boys started to get in the room, Tim looked over the moon with happiness. He just nodded to his friend and kept his distance. He had asked Thomas to go a few times and after a while he just gave up, Thomas was satisfied.

Thomas didn't know the boys got the team's vans to take them to parties every weekend. Apparently it was a tradition and the team wanted the boys exposed to their fans, better publicity.

The club they went had a very big queue of people and they all looked at the van Thomas was in, some girls even started to wave, Thomas found it ridiculous. They got out and some people clapped and called them out, as Thomas watched the people he saw some of the players take the hands of girls and pull them out of the line; the tryouts didn't waited with the other people and went straight to the night club.

"People recognized you" said Tim, he was very close and smiling. Some people asked for pictures and called Thomas, he pretended he didn't hear.

"I wish they didn't. Why are we waiting?" Asked the boy and Tim looked around. The boys were on some kind of lounge, in the club, but not at the party part of the place.

"Part of the reason why we don't pay or wait is because Vizanno and other players always comes too... We wait for them." Said the other boy and Thomas let the air get out of him very slowly.

When the group of players arrived Thomas' attention didn't go to Vizanno right away as he thought, rather he stared at the blonde, lean and tall player, the goalkeeper, Freddy and to his surprise the player was looking right at him too. Both men were surprised to see each other. The boy just turned his back and entered the the second set of doors and the sound hit him. He didn't care, he looked for a table, he was given a VIP pass, he found a table far from the door and the dance floor, he headed there and sat.

He was looking at the people dancing. It was relatively early, but there were a lot of people drinking and kissing and jumping with the music; the boy didn't see any of Unity's finest and tryouts, he got up and went to the bar, he asked for a bottle of water and the bartender looked at him as if the boy had three horns for asking that. The boy just stared back until the man gave him what he asked.

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