Thomas' most beautiful goal can't be appreciated.

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At The House some of the tryouts were still waiting, they went to congratulate the boy and say they were happy for him. Thomas knew Marcus and Tim had planned that, he was grateful, but he also wanted just to get to his bed and sleep. But he stayed up for a long time talking to his teammates about the importance of doing that at that moment.  He only went to his bedroom after one of the boy thought it was a good idea to turn the tv on a sport channel and the anchors were talking about him.

Thomas had avoided the comments about soccer throughout the whole season, he surely didn't want to know the opinion of straight reporters about him.

He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing until he was asleep.

That night Thomas dreamed that he was falling from a bridge. He woke up before he hit the water and before his alarm went off. He got up anyway.

Thomas was looking at himself on the mirror, he was looking his normal self as he wore the silver and green jersey. It was a home game, he would be starting as a centre forward, Vizanno would be the starting striker and Sir was on the bench. It was a friendly game, but the main team had lost against the same team, the StarLords of minor island, on the final game during the last season, it was important to win.

The boy followed the main players and tried to give strength to his tryout teammates as they passed through the funnel towards the pitch.

As always the energy in the stadium was the most memorable thing in the world. People went to the tryout's game in masses, but it couldn't be compared to the fans that went to see the main team, they were at full capacity and green was shinning everywhere the players looked. The small yellow group of fans of the other team wasn't even trying to sand out. They would never. Thomas liked that they were there and gave their players support.

As the boy warmed up he saw some banners from a group of fans saying they loved him, lots of people waved and tried to get his eyes on them as they noticed one of the players were giving them a little bit of attention. He smiled and waved back causing the fans to be very excited.

He focused on the task he had to do and prepare himself for the game, it would be a very hard one to him, he could feel that it didn't mater how hard he tried, he wouldn't get to be inconspicuous during that match.

The game started and the other team made the home team defend a lot during the first 15 minutes, getting dangerously close to the goal a lot of times and making Freddy work and be applauded by the fans a couple of times.

Thomas was happy they were holding their own, but they should be the attacking team, it was too much great energy to let that turn into disappointment.

The next time he got the ball the boy struck forwards fast. He passed the ball to the left winger and when it was passed back he crossed it quickly and without hesitation to Vizanno, the man was ready and he continued running as he dribbled his mark, and kicked the ball on a weird angle.

Thomas watched ready to run in case the goalie defended the ball, but it passed under his torso and hit the back of the net.

Thomas roar was nothing compared to the fans, as the player gathered to celebrate Thomas observed the score board. They took the lead, now it was time to make the difference and show why they were the favorite team in the nation.

Two more goals happened before half time ended. One on Freddy and a goal from Unity's right winger. They were winning and were ready to increase the difference.

During halftime break the main team coach went down on their mistakes, and congratulated them on keeping the lead, he gave them all tips and screamed a little bit. Thomas felt his body buzz with energy.

Vizanno was out and Sir was coming for him, the crowd was jumping to their feet as the man entered. They were ready to see the living legend help the team guarantee the win.

Sir Elanon wasn't as fast as Vizanno was, but he had skills and ability no other player had, he cut through the StarLord's defense every time he tried, scored once and was about to score again when the goalkeeper went to hard on him and the man rolled to the ground. It was a clear fault and the home team was granted a foul shot.

They were winning 4 to one and the fans were celebrating every single goal.

StarLord scored again and that worried some of the players, they still had 15 minutes to play and when it came to soccer, fifteen minutes was a lot of time to do damage.

Thomas was pushing hard and getting the ball to the players closer to the goal every time he could, but the other team's defense was aware of Sir strength and made sure the man didn't get the ball, it didn't help. After the third time of crossing the ball and his teammate not being able to finish properly Thomas got frustrated. He wasn't sure what the coach would think, and let alone his teammates if he lost the chance, but the boy got the ball after they passed to him from a corner granted to them, he positioned the ball and kicked it with his better leg, not crossing, not passing, aiming for the goal.

The boy was a couple of feet away from the midfield line, but the ball crossed the distance and barely missed the goalie's fingertips, hit the back of the net and they scored again.

It was the most beautiful goal of the game, it was one of Thomas best goals and he was running to the fans faster than his brain was processing things.

People were going crazy, he was turning back to celebrate with his teammates when he saw a Unity's fan coming towards him. It was not common to the fans to enter the game, they knew security would get to them, but some still tried to get a chance to meet their idols, Thomas didn't run away from the man, he stayed.

Thomas was ready for a hug he didn't ask for or something, but the man shoved him hard, and as the boy fell he prepared to hit the young tryout. The boy looked at the rage on the man's face and heard the insultes shot at him.

All of them started with the world F. The man was almost hitting the boy when Vizanno grabbed the man, spun him around and let him fall to the ground. Security got to them before the player could hit the crazy fan. Thomas didn't move, he stared at the man, he could see the silver and green, but he didn't understand. It didn't make sense.

The players and the medical aid got to the boy and the coach was screaming at the stewards for letting the man get to Thomas.

"He was a fan... a Unity's fan... what did I do.." the boy asked, he felt numb, he didn't know what to do.

"You did nothing, he ain't no fan if he attacked you." Said the coach, the boy got up, he wanted to play, but he knew his mind wasn't on the right place. "I'll sub Marcus in. Come!"

The boy looked at the field, he walked behind the coach and he felt his heart ache. He couldn't believe what happened, he was leaving the field when he heard the people on the bleachers clapping, a staring ovation to him. He looked around to see if maybe they were applauding the attacker, but no, they were thanking him for the game he did, the same way they did to all the players subbed, if not louder.

Thomas sat on the bench and Vizanno sat next to him. The boy's head was spinning and he was shaking. "You were right" The boy said, barely whispering.

"What?" Vizanno said.

"They don't understand... they hate me..." Thomas replied and he felt Vizanno shift and hold his arm.

"You must have hit your head when you fell and now you are stupider than before... one idiot attacked you, fifty five thousand people stood up and clapped at you, for you. Don't be like the dumb people that ignore good things because of one bad." Vizanno said. He sat back and pretended to watch the game. Thomas didn't see the end of that. He just felt the fans celebrating.

Thomas was free of everything. But at the moment he didn't feel happy.

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