Thomas's mindf***ing boring week

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The thirty boys discovered that their first week would be mindfucking boring torture. 

First, they didn't get to see or step on the main field at the stadium that week, even the players wouldn't train on it. Second, the boys wouldn't train at all that week. They would do an interview with management, would see all types of doctors, would be measuring their training kits and off-field clothes and their jerseys. And their boot size would be taken.

After breakfast with more options than they could eat they all stayed in the game room playing or watching tv.

Thomas silently observed the other boys, how they were creating small groups already, how their cockiness affected the ones more scared. He found it funny. They were loud and carefree, they thought they were on vacation. He got up to leave before he killed himself when the reporter on the tv started talking about Unity. 

"And our favorite tryout season has started, thirty new young kids from all over our beautiful country are now living at The House, later this month we'll get to interview these lucky boys... This is the dream chance of millions, we need to know how they feel and who they are. Let's see what a legend who once was at these boys shoes has to say" the reporter said with practiced cheer. The woman stared at the camera until they cut her off.

Sir Elenon appeared in a prerecorded interview, Thomas paid attention to all the details. That man held the title of "best football player" in the country, and Thomas admired him to the most.

Sir was everything he wanted to be; talented, skilled, focused, simply the best. The thought that they'd be playing together in a few days made him feel dizzy with happiness. 

"You're a fan, huh?" Asked Tim, his quiet roommate. 

"The guy is the best... I think all of us are a fan of his" you didn't have to be a Unity fan to know Sir Elenon was the best player, most people knew that and you hardly would see someone say otherwise.

Only one othet person had the audacity to claim the title and make people doubt Sir position, and he was the one to show up on the screen right after Sir ended his brief interview. 

"Holy shit, it's Vizanno..." said a big guy sitting up and  leaning closer to the tv. Moving his hand to shush his mates.

Teddy Vizanno was a tryout 8 years prior, the only winger tryout after Sir to master all the forward drills. He also had everything else to attract people. Vizanno was talented, charming and chosen by many as the most handsome famous person in the country, the player with the biggest amount of female fans. He was as much of a celebrity as he was an athlete. 

"The mother fucker is perfect." said the gigantic guy next to Thomas when Vizanno smiled and showed the perfect teeth that got him deals to be the face of the most important brands you could think of. 

"Money and money my friend, it makes amazing things." said another one. Thomas still didn't know their names and didn't care much to learn it just yet.

"Not in this case.." Said a skinny boy "I remember his tryout season, it's probably the only one my sisters ever watched, they couldn't see him on the telly without sighing every time, it was the worst experience... He's always been looking like that". Thomas didn't remember Vizanno as a tryout, he was almost ten when that happened, but as a Unity's fan he knew the way the guy played and he couldn't deny he was talented, not as Sir, but he deserved the title he held as the second-best... The title he refused to accept and rather give it to Sir and kept calling himself the best player.

  Thomas didn't have a problem with confidence or arrogance, he just couldn't stand Vizanno's lack of commitment to the game, partying until late and missing training, showing up at the newspaper and tv more on gossip section than the sports' and the fact he was proud of all of that. Thomas just couldn't deal with that kind of behavior. 

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