Thomas is number 58

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Saturday morning was as usual very quiet at The House. The tryouts were supposed to start packing since they would leave the place on Monday morning. The tryouts won their championship, they celebrated at the house until it was very bright outside and they would be sleeping until late morning. 

Thomas was in the meeting room waiting for Isabella, nobody seemed surprised when he showed up in the training center alone and before everybody else, the boys would have a last training section before the game on the following day, Thomas wanted to talk to the woman and make sure everything was working as planned and to tell other news. He was shaking his leg up and down impatient when she showed up smiley as usual and holding a lot of folders.

"I'm so sorry... traffic..."

"There's no traffic on Saturday mornings..." Thomas said frowning.

"There is traffic.." she said smirking, "it is not just bad. So, early meeting, I'm so curious to know what's it about."

Thomas breathed deeply, she wouldn't enjoy the meeting as much as she thought. He told her to sit and closed his eyes.


The last practice ended with Thomas feeling sore, he wanted to scream at the main players because they put enough effort and he wanted to hug his teammates. He left the pitch and headed straight to his locker, he hit the showers and sat on a bench while his teammates talked about the game nonstop. He diverted his eyes from Nick's exposed butt and the only way to stay there and not look at his friend's nakedness was to stare at his phone. He fished it at the same time it started to ring.

It was his grandmother.

"Hey, Grandma... great timing..."

"Tom, baby..." her voice was serious and concerned. It got his attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. The boy got up and left to the lounge.

"Sweety... I am so sorry I have to do this over the phone..." And that's when she started sobbing, Thomas felt his body shake, it wasn't good news, he got chills and his chest was aching. Thomas didn't know what to do, he leaned on the wall and tried not to have a breakdown moment before he heard everything.

"What... happened... grandma...?" He asked, the words leaving in bits. He felt the tears queueing up.

"Grandpa went back to the hospital, he wasn't feeling well, then... he had a little problem with his heart, baby... you know we're old, right?" Thomas let the despair leave and dropped to the floor.

"No... you guys aren't old... tell me he is okay, grandma?" He said crying and she cried. She didn't say his grandfather was okay. They both cried.

Thomas teammates found him sitting on the floor with his phone to his ear and crying. They didn't know what to do, Tim crunched beside him and he was going to say something, but he noticed that someone was speaking on the other line and kept quiet.

"Go call someone... all of you," Tim said. The tryouts left fast they didn't know what to do and they were scared of the boy when he was happy, they didn't know how to handle him when he was sad. Tim went back to his friend and Thomas shook his head, crying more. He seemed to notice Tim there for the first time, his eyes got very wide and Tim stepped back. "Hey, I'm here..."

"Where are my parents... is my dad okay?" Thomas asked to the phone and he seemed relieved with what he heard, but still broken.

Sky showed up first, the woman was thrown off by the state of her friend, she stood there not knowing what to do, then the coach arrived. The man started making questions, Thomas ignored all of them until he turned off his phone. He looked around at the people around him.

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