Thomas talks to Vizanno

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Teddy Vizanno was looking beautiful, most of the times the man looked so handsome that it hurt to look at him, but that evening he looked beautiful.

Vizanno was wearing a black shirt he loved to use when he was at home and was too cold to be shirtless, his hair was combed back, it shone and the darkness of it was the prettiest tone ever created. The big boyish smile was what affected Thomas the most, an non existing innocence that could fool the world, but pure pleasure for seeing the boy at his doorstep. Thomas took a breath and got in.

Thomas knew most of the house already, he had taken solitary tours through the rooms, the beauty never ceasing to amaze him. He knew Vizanno's routine, he knew whom the man trusted and how he liked his things. Thomas observed everything as the taller, hotter, older, professional player led the way to the kitchen.

"I'm making pasta. I hope you like it. I ain't no chef but I can make some delicious dishes." Thomas had tried to eat at The House but he couldn't, he went to Vizanno's place instead, the boy didn't say anything, he just observed the man go on about an event he would go on the weekend and how Isabella was bothering him about wearing a specific brand, but he didn't like the stylist cuts.

Vizanno was used to the boy's silence, lately they would spend the whole day together and Thomas would say only the necessary, when together and away from everyone else they preferred to do other things. The man knew the boy was thinking and analyzing his answers at all times, living in the moment and trying to enjoy his moments without attachment. But he noticed that Thomas was not only silent that evening, he was also nervous. He turned to give his attention to the tryout, he squinted as if he could see through the silence, after a minute he threw his hands up.

"Okay, I quit. What's happening? Did I do something?" Thomas looked down, he didn't know how to explain what happened to Thomas, but Sir was right, they needed to talk.

"Something had happened." Thomas said, Vizanno got closer to him, Thomas could see that he thought it was something related to the boy's family. "My family is okay. It's something about us, I guess..." confused and now alert, Vizanno took a step back, he was serious, Thomas looked at the pans. "You should turn that off..."

"For Christ's sakes, what happened..."

"Turn the stove off!!!" Thomas said. As the man moved the boy closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing, but he felt the demanding stare of the other man before he opened his eyes again.

"Does someone know about us? Is that it?" Thomas tried to find the words.

"Not exactly, someone new knows, yes, but that's so not the problem..."

"Someone knows about us... I can't believe... what do you mean by not exactly?"

"Teddy, someone knows about you... someone who can't be trusted and is trying something ridiculous..." as Vizanno stared in horror at the boy, Thomas felt his heart freeze, the man was starting to lose it.

"Knows about me...? Not you? How... what's happening." Asked the man, he turned around trying to make sense of things.

"One of the boys you got involved in the past, he told someone what happened between the two of you, and someone who sees me as a threat is asking me to not join the team, if I do you'll be exposed. They don't know that we're doing stuff, they just think I'm a good friend and that I would want the best from you."

Vizanno was silent for a few seconds and then he started to laugh. He shook his head. Thomas just stared at him.

"I'm finished... who this stupid person is? If I depend on you leaving my career is as good as dead." The words hit and hurt Thomas more than he could expect. He was torn between the options that were given to him, but even after a time together the older man still saw the boy as a cold hearted creature.

"Hm... I've been thinking about it..." Said Thomas and Vizanno's head shot at the boy's direction.

"What? Are you stupid? I'd never ask you to compromise your future like that, not after I promised you I wouldn't try to sabotage you, I want to keep my promises to you, Thomas, and I don't want you to think I don't care about you. Oh my god, what's happening? Someone's blackmailing you to leave to save my ass... what's happening... "

The older man sat on the shining floor, he covered his head and Thomas knew he was crying. "You helped me see that there's nothing wrong with who I am, and now who I am is going to screw my life... what can I do? What do I have to do to make this tryout stop threatening you and me..."

"What? Tryout? I don't understand, Teddy." Said Thomas and the man looked up, his eyes were red.

"You sad someone's discovered about me, is threatening you to leave the club, knows we're close... it must be a tryout... you didn't say it was anonymous, I assumed it was... you know who this is and it isn't a tryout?" Said Vizanno putting the pieces together in his head.

"Is Sky...who is it, Thomas?" He asked angry, Thomas knew that Vizanno and Freddy were friends, they got along well on the field and they were always together at the club. The man even sided with the goalkeeper when people were questioning the time he hurt Thomas during training.

"It isn't Sky, it's a player... no, it isn't Sir, he wouldn't ever do that to you, and I told him what's happening. Score talking to you... you can complain about that later. Freddy is the one asking me to do that."

Vizanno was ready to start an argument about Thomas outing him to Sir Elanor, but the name of his teammate shut him up, he looked at Thomas in disbelief, he shook his head and tried to laugh, it sounded fake. "He's my friend... he wouldn't do that..."

"I was the first tryout to score on him this season, and I've been scoring even more lately, people talk about me, it should be him getting all of the attention because he's an awesome goalkeeper. I thought he was your friend too, I didn't expect that from him..."

"I'm going to kill him... when did it happen?" Asked vizanno, he was kicking the wall and Thomas just observed without judging as the man grunted tried to convey the fact he was being used to hurt Thomas.

"I already punched him, it was funny because I wanted to punch you so bad some times but I never did it, I didn't even hesitated with him..."

"That asshole said he hit his face because he fell from the massage bed! I'm going to kill him." Vizanno left the kitchen and Thomas closed his eyes. Things were going to get worse.

He heard as the man kicked his furnitures out of his way, and when something made of glass found its way to the floor. Thomas didn't want the man hurting himself, but he wouldn't try to deny him of his right of being angry. He would let the ranting go on for a while more.

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