Thomas is curious about Vizzano

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During the dinner Isabella was the one talking the most. Sir and Vizanno kept sending each other weird looks and didn't say anything. Lucas tried to keep a nice conversation but he wasn't very invested on that social experiment. Thomas only ate.

"I feel very proud of you guys, y'all did great out there today, and you two helped the young one. I'm very grateful." Said Isabella and both men just nodded, Lucas also commented on the great performance, and Thomas just watched as his friend sounded honest about feeling proud of the two working well together.

After the bill was paid Isabella said Lucas was going to take the boy to The House, but Vizanno cut her.

"We're going to a club today, it's just tradition." The man said, Sir looked very disappointed, he obviously had seen the articles about Thomas now being part of the partying squad, but the boy didn't know how much disappointment someone could storage  on their eyes.

The boy followed Vizanno nonetheless and Sir called him.

"Are you sure you're going to go partying, you had a long day..."

"I asked him something and he asked something in return, Sir, I gotta keep my end of this bargain." The boy said and he realized Sir Elenon was now thinking that Thomas was partying because of Thomas asked Vizanno to stop sabotaging Sir.

The boy didn't try to change the man's belief, he went to the car and got in. Vizanno started driving right away.

"You're different today." Thomas commented to Vizanno, the man was quieter than normal, he looked almost moody.

"A little pissed." Vizanno replied. "People thinking I was very good today just because I passed more is just not nice."

"I think it is." Thomas said and he looked at Vizanno, the man was thinking about something that he didn't like to think apparently.

"Do you think I'm better than Sir?" The man asked and Thomas didn't even took his time to think.

"No." He answered ad Vizanno nodded. He didn't say anything the rest of the ride.

Thomas thought he should feel guilty for not lying, but he couldn't. Sir had more experience, he was way more professional and focused. Sir thought first about the team then about him. Vizanno was more focused on his success.

The club they went to was very different from all the others they had gone before, people were dressed in expensive looking clothes and they looked comfortable in them, Thomas was not. He wasn't properly dressed to the venue.

They met the other players and tryouts inside.

Tim was drunk out of his mind and Marcus was half way on the same path. Most of the tryouts were at the same state. It was the first time they were allowed to go partying after winning s match and they were celebrating like the Kings they were. Thomas completely ignored Fred and only greeted some o the players and congratulated them on their winning.

Vizanno took pictures with random
People, talked to some of his fans and got himself a drink, Thomas stood next to him as the man sipped from the cup, he didn't look like partying.

"Why are you here?" Thomas asked to the man. "You don't look interests in being here..." Vizanno looked at the boy.

"It's better than staying at home alone, some people don't like to be alone like you do." Thomas felt the sting, he got closer to Vizanno, getting into his personal space.

"You wouldn't be alone if I was there." Vizanno smiled, but it wasn't his pleasant smile.

"You just want my body." The man said and Thomas laughed. "Can you hug me?" Vizanno asked, Thomas looked at him confused.

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