Thomas has cute moments and sad moments.

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Thomas' had never seen Vizanno act like he did when around his relatives. He'd seen the man act all nice with fans numerous times, but with his younger cousins he was genuine and he hugged his aunt for almost a minute before letting go off her.

The woman was nice, she was polite and happy to see her nephew, she was surprised he had brought someone else, she greeted the younger soccer player, not smiling much, but obviously content.

"When am I going to see that amazing couple, friend of yours, huh?" The woman asked, Thomas looked at Vizanno who smiled.

"Lucas' in France and Isabella's pretty busy taking care of my career... and of course, they have a baby."

"I can't wait to meet the Little one, I've seen pictures of her, such a princess!" Thomas wasn't surprised that the Fraims had met Vizanno's aunt, they were like family, closer even!

The two men talked about the season and how was it going so far, the younger boy watched as the woman complimented her nephew performance on the field lately.

"Very professional isn't it ma'am?" asked Thomas and she agreed. Vizanno shot him a look that made Thomas smile.

It was mid afternoon when the two players went outside and sat a few feet away from a creek. Vizanno had four young cousins and they were busy watching tv, the two men were alone at last.

"She knows Lucas and Isabella. Nobody else?"

"She knows you now." Vizanno replied with a grin on his face. He started to stare at the boy. "You're making the cut and were staying together."

"You don't know that, we might stop talking to each other as soon as I become a pro" Thomas said and the man squinted his eyes.

"You wouldn't use me like that..."

"Don't doubt me... maybe this was my plan all along." Vizanno laughed and laid back on the ground. He closed his eyes and after a couple of minutes he was asleep. Thomas just watched him and then he decided to rest too. He set his alarm and focused on his breathing until he drift to his sleep.

The drive back home was silent, the two players didn't talk, the radio was playing something low and Thomas was not thinking about anything, just watching the landscape they were passing fast.

Teddy Vizanno probably wanted to say something, but he let the younger boy have his own moment after meeting the man's family. Vizanno was glad with how it went, Thomas seemed happy meeting the others and his family treated the boy the best way possible and he could call that a successful experience. Thomas looked at him and saw that the man was tired and he had a plane to catch, he'd be feeling worse before the game on the following day, but the boy also knew that Vizanno would give his best, he wouldn't allow himself to disappoint Thomas.

When Vizanno parked the car in front of the house there was another car in front of the gate and Thomas stared at it confused, he said his good byes and left the car, the boy didn't look back when the driver's door also banged shut, Vizanno was curious and he wouldn't leave before he knew what he needed to know.

Thomas walked up the driveway and Peter was sitting on the porch and Thomas heart started beating scared. What was Peter thinking? The boy walked to Peter and the other man stood up, he looked serious, he was focused on Thomas, but his eyes moved to the taller form coming from behind Thomas.

"Hey, Thomas, can we talk?" the man tried to smile but it didn't reach his eyes and the attempt didn't last long. The boy was going to ask the other one to speak in front of Vizanno, but he saw Peter like he never did and that was worrying.

"Vizanno, can you give us a minute?" The man looked at him as if Thomas couldn't be serious. Thomas waited for a reaction and saw that none was coming, and Vizanno wouldn't leave. "You can say what you need in front of him, Peter" said the boy and Peter seemed surprised, but whatever he questioned wasn't important to him at that moment. He asked Thomas to sit and they both sat.

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