Thomas enjoys his Christmas break

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A few weeks left of being a tryout and Thought mas was restless, the boy was feeling the world boiling up inside of him and his heart seemed too soft at random moments, he was running out of time and it terrified him.

For the first time all the tryouts were given a few days away from The House, five days to spend the Christmas break with their families. Thomas was glad. He didn't think he'd look forward for a time away from his most dreamed place, but he grateful for the pause.

As soccer was the only thing Thomas liked to do with his free time he felt a little lost on the first few days of his vacation.

The boy went hiking with his mother and they didn't talk much, but it was a good moment to clear their heads while they observed the nature and the beautiful sightings in their town.

He learned a little bit more about his father's job, which was a pretty boring thing that involved a lot of math and taking care of other people's money. He didn't care much, but the way the man spoke, as if it was the best career in the world, made the boy pay attention and even make questions.

Grandpa and grandma only showed up on Christmas' eve. They brought gifts, love and happiness, the boy's grandmother was cooking as soon as she could and the boy knew he'd eat well.

During the whole day Thomas was feeling pure joy and his grandfather was following him around, talking about everything and making lots of questions. He didn't mind, he replied and made tons of questions back. Grandpa had had a pretty busy life, he was proud of his family and he was beyond the moon with the boy being on good terms with his family. Thomas caught the old man smiling when he thought nobody was watching.

The members of the family got to the boy's coming out during dinner, discussing how the whole thing was seen by their social groups, Thomas was participating of the conversation but silently hoping it would end quickly. He wasn't that lucky. The topic went on and on.

"We've invited Peter and his family to Christmas." Thomas' mother said when they were done talking about the interview, the boy dropped his fork, he looked at her deep and asked:

"Why would you do that?"

Apparently the other boy had been very nice when they needed and it was the least they could do. Thomas didn't want to tell them that he wasn't supposed to be around Peter. He didn't want to explain anything so he just shook his head and ignored everything else that was being sad.

The Delleys arrived early at Christmas, they were all smiling at the adults and very cold with the boy, he just rolled his eyes and tried very hard not to cuss any of their guest. The members were wearing bright red jumpers and brought with them lots of wine. Thomas was kind of expecting Peter wouldn't be there, but the boy was the last one to show up. And he looked as handsome as ever.

The Delleys were all dark skinned and Thomas could see the similarities between the boy and his father, but Peter's youth and physic made him also look so different from the older man. Peter's mother and sister were tall, skinny and their hair always seemed to shine. Thomas hated the three of them.

Thomas and Peter were left alone at all times, neither family trying to keep them apart. The boys had a lot to talk. Thomas' grandparents easily ignoring the young boy's silent call for help.

Peter didn't approve of the boy coming out, he was worried that the incident on the field wouldn't be the last; Thomas knew he was also a little bit scared of people assuming he was gay by association, but he didn't say anything about that.

Thomas didn't want to talk about his now public out life, he was more interested in making questions about Peter's club. He wanted to know about the coach, the board and where the managers stood on various areas . The boy was surprised that the other one replied to everything without questioning him back, what surprised him the most was that he liked the answers.

Peter took a very small box out of his back pocket and handed it to the boy. Thomas stared at the other boy before saying anything. "I didn't get you anything." The other boy ignored him and smiled.

"I wasn't expecting you to." Was Peter's only response.

"In my defense, I didn't know you were coming.

"Just open it!" Peter said laughing. Thomas knew he probably was as red as a Mexican pepper he had eaten and hated for it was to strong when he was little.

Inside the box there was a small yellow and black soccer cleat keychain. The colors of Peter's team, Thomas was surprised but he did take that as a sign. He looked at the boy and smiled, Peter opened his arms and Thomas gave the other boy a hug. It was good to hug the other boy after so long, but it was different too.

The Christmas Day was better than most Christmas Thomas had had in the past couple of years. The boy had his favorite people close to him and he talked on the phone with Sky and Lucas for too long. It was better than he expected.

Thomas was in front of the house when his grandpa found him and stood next to him and stayed there in silence for a while. The boy new the old man wanted to say something but was thinking it through first, just like the boy did most of the time. After a few minutes he seemed fine with the words chosen and said:

"Are you and Peter...?" The boy took the unfinished question in and stared at the sky. Thomas shook his head slowly. "That's what I thought. Just so you know, I was against bringing him here, I mean, I like the boy and I liked how happy you used to be around him. But I know he also hurt you, I just want to say that I'm grateful for whoever you're with now and Peter shouldn't be here for respect for this other boy."

Thomas turned to his grandfather and stared at the man in disbelief, he did trust his grandparents and shared most things with them, but he never said anything about his involvement with Vizanno.

"Don't act so surprised. Your grandma and I know you too well, she thinks it's Peter and is convinced him being here is finally going to make you guys have the hots for each other again. But I know it isn't him... is it...Lucas Fraim?"

"What? No way in hell, he's married grandpa, and he's annoying as hell. I don't think I can't tell who this guy is, I've outed him to other people already. It's just not fair."

"It sure isn't. But I bet he's a nice lad!" Thomas' grandpa said and the boy rolled his eyes.

"He's arrogant, so cocky, unprofessional to a degree Nobody can ever reach, childish and annoying." Thomas said quickly as if he had already thought everything.

"He makes you happy though, you play your best when you're happy. And I think these are the things you tell yourself to keep him away, don't do it." Said the older man and Thomas didn't say anything, he nodded after a while. "Anyways, you're grandma said she's setting the table and if you wanna eat you better go help her." Thomas laughed and followed the man as he headed back inside.

Before he got in his phone buzzed. It was a text from vizanno. Just two words but it made a bolt start Thomas' heart once again.

~ Merry Christmas ~

Thomas smiled and didn't write anything back. He knew the man wasn't expecting a reply, he just needed to make the boy remember that he cared and Thomas liked it.

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