Thomas says goodbye to his Past!

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Peter Delay wore a gray suit, the cut was very precise and the white fabric on it seemed the most expensive thing Thomas had ever seen someone wear, not even The grooms seemed that well dressed. Thomas would love to say that the suit was the only thing he was paying attention to, but the big muscles bulging inside the outfit was impossible to ignore.

The boy tried not to look at the body and focus on the face, but it was no help, the shiny eyes were sparkling with anticipation and the happy smile made the black boy look like a movie star. Thomas felt the magnetic field that once made the two be inseparable pull him towards the professional player.

"What did I do this time?" Asked Peter just as Thomas started to notice the sweet scent that came from Peter.

Thomas didn't have to think to answer that, he looked into the shiny pair of eyes. "You didn't do anything." He saw the confuse look on the man's face and decided to act innocent "Why?".

"You've been ignoring me, at first I thought you had changed your number, but then I realized it wasn't it, I sent you a message through that boy and when you didn't reply my call for attention I had my confirmation." Said Peter, he got a few inches closer and Thomas noticed the gap between his sanity and impulses get thinner.

"It has nothing to do with you." Said Thomas and Peter laughed.

"Then why aren't you talking to me?" The professional player asked and Thomas gasped. He couldn't lie, he couldn't tell the truth.

"I asked someone for something that they thought was important, and this person asked me to stop doing something that I thought was important to me." Peter smiled and Thomas knew why, but he didn't care, he always told the other everything he was feeling, that was one of the best things about their now dead relationship.

"Someone asked you to stop talking to me?" He asked, the boy seemed shocked. "Was that girl you're always with? Are the two of you a thing and she doesn't want me bothering you two?" Peter asked and Thomas shook his head.

"Don't be stupid, it wasn't her, I won't tell who asked me that... but this is it... we can't talk." Thomas said. Peter got closer to him, the air getting electric and Thomas body aching for the contact.

"Why am I the only one being punished in this deal that you made?" Peter was dangerously attractive to the boy at that particular time, he knew that if he wanted he could kiss the other, but the consequences to Peter wouldn't be the best.

"Things are shitty, you know that, I have to go back to my table..."

"This person doesn't have to know..."

"This person would know." Thomas said right away, in fact he wasn't enjoying the dangerous y'all with Peter as much as he thought, he was putting his agreement with Vizanno in danger and as much as he hated to acknowledge he didn't want Vizanno to be upset, he showed that he was jealous and Thomas didn't want to willingly piss the other off. The boy took a few steps back.

You're driving me crazy, Thomas..." peter said and Thomas turned, but before he took a next step he looked back.

"I know I'm no position to ask, but could you please stop posting those sexy pictures on instagram? Done people are liking them too much..." Thomas said an enormous grin appeared on Peter's face.

"Are you one of this "people"? And do you think my photos are sexy?" Peter asked back, Thomas rolled his eyes.

"I'll ignore the first question and say yes to the secondC I'm not blind. See you around Peter." Thomas said and started to walk away.

In all those years that he spent mourning a relationship he needed without knowing he hadn't felt so much peace when thinking that things between Peter and him were over, for good.

When the boy got back to his table only Vizanno was sitting there, he looked annoyed and when he saw Thomas he seemed angry, the boy sat on his chair and stared at Vizanno that stared back.

"So, did you have fun?" The man asked and Thomas wanted to laugh, but he didn't, just nodded. "What did he want?"

"He wanted to know why I am ignoring him, and I told him." To Thomas surprise Vizanno didn't look furious, in fact a small smile showed on his face. "Of course is don't tell him that the person I had a deal with was you, but I told him."

"Of course you didn't." Said Vizanno bitterly, as if he wanted Thomas to do just that. "Did you miss him?" Thomas didn't like the direction the conversation was taking, but he nodded and he knew that more questions were coming. "Do you like him?" Thomas nodded again and this time Vizanno a time to drink from his glass. "Do you want to be with him?" This time Thomas shook his head. "What about me? Do you like me?" Thomas didn't see that coming, he took a deep breath and looked into Vizanno eyes.

"No, I think you're annoying, selfish, futile and reckless with your team." Vizanno looked at him hurt, but didn't anything, he probably thought that would be the answers.

"Do you want to see peter again?"

"No, we had a nice thing, but it's over."

"Because of our deal? Because you want to protect this team you love so much?" Thomas heard the mocking ton on vizanno's voice.

"No, if I wanted to see him again I would, don't get me wrong but... this deal we have is only good for you now, I'm not stupid and I know you aren't either, people are talking about you and your game like they've never done before and you're happy with it, you wouldn't stain all of your reputation now. You're playing properly now and people who have talked bad about you for years have nothing to say now, so, I know you wouldn't stop playing well with Sir, it would destroy a little bit of your reputation." Thomas smiled as he saw that Vizanno knew that too. "So, I'm not seeing him anymore, not because of the deal, but because of you." The boy said and Vizanno's eyes got wider and the man stopped breathing, Thomas didn't say anything, he had said enough already.

"I don't understand... you said, you said you don't like me." The boy just stared back wondering what was hard to understand. "Do you want to be with me?" Vizanno asked after thinking for a while.

Thomas got closer to the table, put his elbows on it and leaned a little. "Yes,Teddy, I do, but only if to do." Vizanno was speechless, he threw his head up and started to laugh.

"You're playing with me." He said and Thomas let out an annoyed sight.

"You believe what you want. Imma gonna go find Caca, I want a picture with him before he goes change his outfit..." the boy was getting up and the man stopped laughing and got up too.

"May I come with you?" Vizanno asked and Thomas looked at him wondering what he was asking. "Please? Because I really do want to come with you, Thomas!" The boy smirked, he had used Vizanno's first name and the man did the same, calling him by what he saw and desired. Thomas nodded and started to walk.

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