Thomas meets Mrs. Fraim. Lucas learns Thomas's into men.

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The boys had to talk to the team's psychiatrist before going home that afternoon, not all of them made it, but they had to finish during the next morning.
None of the official players were seen since the game on Saturday, the men had an away game, on a different island, and they all headed there before seeing how messed the boys were, but they would all be back for the Friday training session where they would obviously murder the tryout team.
The filming crew was back the following two days, interviewing the staff, making them questions about the players and talking to the coaches. They filmed the boys training. The boys were aware that they were there, so they didn't perform as carefree as they mostly did. Thomas liked the extra focus his teammates showed, but he hated that it was going to be temporary.
On Wednesday all people involved with Unity went to the stadium to watch the official team play.
Everybody wore a jersey, the Pantano was
shining in green. And people were excited.
Thomas was sitting by the wall, he was finally talking to his grandparents, his grandmother was very angry because he was avoiding his grandparents and he tried to make her calm down, someone sat next to him and when he looked he saw Lucas' wife.
"Hello, Thomas." The boy nodded, went back to his phone then looked up again.
"Why are you here? I thought the wives went with the players..." Said the boy, the woman laughed.
"He's on the third island, is not like he went to Europe or something, I'd follow if he was in Paris. Why are you here alone?" Asked the woman.
"Because I don't want to talk to people, and I couldn't stay at The House and watch there." Replied Thomas dryly.
"Neither Alvaro nor Lucy are there, and apparently the team doesn't trust us tryouts to be alone at the property." He looked at her, and she just stared at him.
"I hope you don't mind if I keep you company."
"Don't you want to talk too?" Asked the boy, the woman shook her head.
"I want to talk to you" 'but I said I didn't want to talk, wtf woman?'
"What about?" The young man asked and she smiled.
"Lucas and I have been talking, and we thought about something. We are thinking that maybe you'd accept me as your manager..."
"I don't need one." Said the boy and she laughed.
"Exactly what he said you'd say. The thing is, all of you kids need a manager. Lucas just thinks you need the best." Said the woman and Thomas closed his eyes.
"I don't know you, I don't even know your name. So, no thank you!" He said and looked at his phone.
"My name is Isabela. And you know me, I'm your friend's wife."
"That's me knowing him, not you. So you're going to ask your parents to manage your career? Like most athletes do?"
"I don't know who I want to manage my career, haven't thought about it. But for sure I won't ask my parents, I'll do it myself..." Thomas said. He wasn't looking at her anymore.
"It won't work, the manager is responsible for dealing with things you guys are not ready, not educated enough, or want to deal with. We take care of your image and help you make it bigger. I'm the best choice for you." Thomas closed his eyes, breathed and swore that this time he would kill Lucas. He looked at the woman.
"How can I know? I've mercer heard of you. I can assume you take care of Lucas'..."
"God no. Couples taking care of each other's career are even worse than parents managing their children. No, Lucas is managed by a friend of mine."
"Then how can I know that you'll take care of my career?" Asked the boy skeptically. The woman smiled.
"I'm responsible for the two biggest name of this country's soccer. I manage both Vizanno and Sir." Thomas dropped his jaw for a few seconds. He didn't expect her to be either player's managers, and he also didn't expect the players to share the same manager.
"What?" That was the only thing the boy managed to say.
"I know. Well, when I was twenty years old I was starting my career, about to be out of college, I was working as an intern in here and during a meeting they were talking about the importance of management for the boys, since the club could not be responsible for that they need to find a way of instructing 30 kids on the matter. They were only getting two boys that year, so I saw it as an opportunity, I started paying attention to their training and Vizanno was undeniably good. I approached him and made my pitch, he wasn't sure, he couldn't afford a manager yet, their future was unsure, so I said I'd do it for free. When I approached him Vizanno wasn't the big name he is now. He had a little help on how to make the fans go crazy for him and play like a god! And I did it. When Sir came back he didn't have a manager, and I was starting my own firm, to manage Vizanno made me both rich and respected, so I heard Sir was on his own, and he wanted to keep it that way, so I made my pitch to him. After one week playing alongside with Vizanno he accepted my offer, I said I would stop the younger one from sabotaging Sir and I did it, Vizanno didn't like it very much, but he is smart and played by the new rules. What about you? Are you interested in succeed in this industry?" Asked Isabela and Thomas went out of words. He looked at the floor while millions of thoughts ran inside his head.
"I have to talk to someone. Then I'll give you an answer."
"It works for me." Said Isabela, she leaned back and the game started playing. Thomas didn't pay attention to the game as he usually did. A good manager could make everything work out for you, and even though he didn't care about half of the perks of having a person taking care of things for him, it was going to be great to have someone good making sure he was getting paid well, that he wasn't doing interviews for shitty journals and to make any kind of bad publicity stay away from him.
"Were you Lucas' manager too?" Thomas asked during the halftime break.
"No, I couldn't afford two players for free, so my friend started managing him and they both made it through. They were friends so I got close to Lucas and now he's my spouse."
"You two are alike." Said Thomas and she smiled.
"Really? How come?"
"You're both annoying." Said Thomas looking at the screen. He heard her laugh and hated the idea of one more person in his in circle.

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