Thomas debuts for Unity!

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Thomas was inside the locker room by himself, he was wearing first half time Unity's jersey and was shaking a little with nervousness. It was the first time he would be playing for the main team, the big names of the club were away, they would be trying to take the crown from France, a team who had repeatedly won over them, he knew Buffalo's players would give their maximum.

The boy wasn't surprised to see his name as one of the tryouts recruited for the match, it wasn't a small silly game against a weak team, but he was surprised to see he would be starting. The main coach had assured him he wasn't doing a mistake and that he believe that the boy could perform well on that particularly hard match.

Thomas was joined by Marcus and five other tryouts, the whole main team were class A players, but the team was missing both of their star forwards, Lucas and the main goalkeeper. Thomas knew that the back defenders would do their best to stop the other team's attack, but he was still scared.

He heard three short knocks on the door as someone was once again calling him to join the others before the game started. He ignored again, there was a reason he was waiting alone, he had to wait. He looked at the small screen of his phone all concerned and before he put it away it started vibrating and as his heart start to hammer on his chest he accepted the call.

"Hey you there my star boy..."

"Why did you take so long? The game is about to start." Thomas interrupted Vizanno and said angrily.

"Different time zones, kid, are you okay?" Vizanno asked and Thomas didn't reply. "Listen to me, you're going to be great, I promised I'd call because I wanted to tell you this before you showed the world once again how amazing you are... do you understand me." Thomas nodded, he knew Vizanno couldn't see him but he knew that the man knew what he had just done because he continued to say nice things about the boy's skills.

Thomas didn't know what Teddy Vizanno was expecting after Thomas told him he wanted the pro player at the wedding, but the two man were taking things slowly since both of them didn't want to do anything stupid. The made out in a restroom at the wedding place, kisses only, and before the man went to France they had had sex for the second time. They slept at the same bed afterwards and Thomas woke up feeling lighter than ever.

The two players didn't message each other all the time, but Vizanno had promised to call the boy before the game and Thomas had held to that promise a little to much.

"I gotta go now, the game will start soon." Thomas said, he heard the man's wishes and hang up the phone, he was ready.

The crowd in the stadium sounded a lot louder than the other times the boy played in there, he looked around astonished that so many people had gone to watch the match. When he looked at Marcus the other boy was smiling, obviously finding Thomas amusement funny. The boy didn't care. He positioned himself to his spot on the pitch, he was self conscious about everything, his cleats, the jersey tight to his skin, he felt every person energy and when the whistle blew he started moving, eyes on the balls and watching all around him at the same time.

During this new era of Vizanno playing well with Sir, the main team had created a faster and more collective game, passing the ball amongst the players until the reached the goal, Thomas was moving forward and watching his marks get close, observing how to be free to get the ball, and anticipating who would be the closest to him so he could pass the ball, all of those thoughts happening at the same time.

They were about to break through the center back defender when they lost possession of the ball and the game started to happen on the other side of the field. They all backed away a little, the defenders trying to block the attack and the midfield helping them, Thomas was heading straight to the playing holding the ball and the man passed it, but he was to slow, the boy passed the left winger and ran back to his position as his team played a little with the adversary. Soon the balk was back on his feet and they were pushing the defense and trying to score. He was smiling from ear to ear when the ball went over the goal and it was their corner, their defense right winger went to kick it back to the game and a header from one of the midfielders sent the ball straight to the back of the net, the roar of happiness and sound of cheer fill the whole stadium, some fans irritated, but most of them smiling happily and screaming and jumping. They started well.

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