Tasked To Save The World

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If it hadn't been closing time, Erin would have stayed at that bar all night.

But, sadly, the bar only stayed open till 1:00am, so it was time for her to head home.

Little did she know, her life would change forever on that fatefull walk home from the bar.


Rip Hunter, set out to recruite nine heroes and villains to take down the worst threat he has ever faced; Vandal Savage, and Erin Cooper was on his list.

"Next stop, Washington DC, 2016." Rip informed his ship.

"Who is our next recruite, Captain?" The ship replied.

"Erin Cooper."


Erin walked down the dark streets of Washignton. This time at night-well, early morning- only the drunkened idiots roamed the streets. And it just so happened that some of those drunkened idiots decided to rob a small, isolated family home.

As Erin walks by the small corner house, she hears screams and shouting coming through the broken window of the small blue house.

She stalks closer to the home and peeks through the broken window. Erin catches sight of two broad men with guns, one holding a small family in the corner while the other raids the drawers and desks.

Knowing what she has to do, Erin sneaks over to the front door, bends down, and picks the lock.

The door creaks for only a split second as the women sneaks into the home.

From the hallway in which she stood, both of the robbers backs faced her.

Held in the corner at gun point, was a mother hugging her two young children; one of them a young boy, who happened to spot Erin peeking around the corner.

Erin signals for the boy to remain quiet by putting a finger to her lips.

Throwing the hood of her tight black zipup over her head, Erin prepares herself to take on the two men.

As if everything was going her way, one of the men walk around the corner, unaware that Erin is right there.

She swiftly knocks his feet out from under him and sends an elbow to his face as he falls, this causes the robber to be knocked out.

Before the robber can cause a loud 'thud' against the hardwood floor, Erin catches his head and gently sets him down.

"Guss! We gotta get out of here man!" The other robber yells. "Guss!" He yells once more.

Erin laughs to herself before rounding the corner, pulling out her weapons from behind her.

She made a mental note to thank a certain someone once again for her weapons.

"Guss is, uh, a little busy at the moment." Erin speaks, causing the robber to turn around and aim his gun at her.

A gun shot rings through the air and travels toward Erin, who bends backwards to avoid the bullet.

"You really shouldn't have done that." States Erin. Without responding, the robber charges at Erin with a knife raised in the air.

Erin laughs to herself, "Shouldn't do that either, but suit yourself."

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