Guess What's Back

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The girl woke up on the floor, pooled in blood. She hadn't remebered a single moment before she last talked to him.


She panicked, looking left and right.

He was nowhere.

She stood up, shaking, panicking. Where was he? What had happened to him?

Had she killed him?

She looked at the blood on the floor, it drowned her black clothes and covered her hands and face.

Looking at the blood she saw a trail, one leading right out the door of her room.

She followed it with shaky hands and weak knees.

What she saw at the end of the trail, made her scream.

Erin groaned and rolled off of her bed.

She was not in the mood for her daily Waverider chores (courtesy of Ray).

She hit the cold cement floor and froze.

This wasn't her bed, this wasn't the Waverider at all.

Memories of the previous night came flashing back to her.

Luskavic Labs, Valentina Vostok, Stein, Mick, Ray. Getting captured.

Erins eyes shoot open and she scrambles up onto the bed.

Her eyes flicker back and forth and all around the room.

She finds herself in a bland cell, with a bunk bed, a sink, and a toilet.

"Welcome back princess." She hears a gruff voice next to her.

Looking to her left, Erin sees Mick and Ray in a cell across the hall.

"What the hell happened?" Erin asks, rubbing the back of her head where pain has started to originate.

"You started running your smart-ass mouth off and got knocked out. They brought us all here after." Mick explains to the girl.

Mick looks comfortable whilst Ray is antsy and pacing the cell constantly.

"Will you please stop pacing Ray, you're making me anxious." Erin tells Ray after watching him pace for twenty minutes.

By this time Erin had decided to just stay on the floor and scootch close to the wall to use it as back support.

"Sorry." He mumbles before sitting down. "What do you think they're doing with Martin? What do you think they're gonna do with us? Do you think they'll kill u-" "Ray!" Erin practically yells, interrupting his babling.

"Just please shut up." She says to him, bringing her knees up and resting her elbows on top of her knee cap.

She ran a hand through her hair before saying, "The team will come for us, we just have to hold ourselves out."

Suddenly loud clicks and the sound of a buzzer ring through the halls. All three Legends immediately stand up as their cells start to open.

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