Goodbye Past, Hello Present

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A/N I used Google translate for this so if it's wrong i apologize.

"Kawjar, 'ana huna hazr mink League of Assasins li'ajal alhaya." The girl listened as Ras Al Gulh banned her from the League of Assasins.

"Yjb 'an takun mmtnana, yjb 'an 'aqtalak baed ma faealtuh. Mumtan lirahmi." She listened. The leader told the girl how she should be killed, but is given mercy.

She didn't know why the ruthless leader had shown her mercy, when all the others had been executed for their wrong doings.

"Sawf nasaf bshdt lhdha, walakun yajibu alqiam bih." Ras goes on, saying how he will regret his choice but knows it must be done.

The girl nods her head, then bows it, preparing for her banishment.

The leader then begins to speak english.

"You do not deserve the name given to you by this league, Kawjar is forbidden from your using. I, Ras Al Gulh, hereby banish you from The League of Assassins, you shall never set foot on this island again, or you shall be executed. You have five minutes to run before we hunt you down and kill you. Now, Erin, run."

And with that, Erin runs.

"Princess. Hey, princess. Get up, Snart will be here any minute and he's not carrying your ass out of here." Mick says from across the hall.

Erin shuts her eyes tighter and groans, holding her broken ribs.

"Fine." Mick grumbles, if you don't want to get up then we can just talk about what happened back there."

Erins eyes shoot open and she immediatly stands, causing her to hit her head off of the top bunk.

Mick laughs, "Ha! That's what i thought."

Suddenly a figure is at Mick and Rays cell, Erin lays back down while Mick is distracted.

She closes her eyes and listens to the conversation being had across the hall. "Nice costume." Mick says to somebody.

"Got one for you too." A familiar voice drawls.

A mini metal-hitting-something sound echos through the hall, "Time to shrink." Snart says.

Rays suit is activated and Erin hears him shrink.

"Lets go." Snart says to Mick. Erin opens her eyes at the pang of betrayl she feels knowing Leonard would leave her behind.

"No." Mick says.

"No?" His partner questions.

Erins eyes close again in defeat, she was probably just going to die in here.

Micks words cause her eyes to flutter open once again. "Not without her."

"Two guards walking out of here, not suspicious. Two guards and her walking out of here, now that's questionable." Snart argues.

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