Give Her Hell

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"That's your younger self?" Erin asks over the coms while a young boy is being led towards the group in the middle.

The Legends were now gathered at an abandon Time Master's Outpost where they are to meet the Pilgrim.

Erin stands hidden behind a big white structure while watching Rip and Firestorm with a young boy being led towards them.

It was the boy who had tried to steal food off the plate back when they were with Rip's mother.

Erin knew something had seemed familiar about the boy and now she can see the resemblance.

Rip nods discreetly to Erin's earlier question and his mother then approaches. "I see you got my messages."

Rip's mother scowls, "Yes but I do not approve of what your planning."

"I am confident in my plan, mother." Rip argues back.

"You better hope so." She says before turning to look at the young boy, "Give her hell." She fist bumps him before seeing the Pilgrim and walking away with a disgusted look.

The three turn to face the Pilgrim who is standing powerful but looking impatient.

"Where is the rest of your team." She scowls.

Cooley, Rip replies "They're around."

She checks her surroundings and a spark of anxiety makes itself known in Erin as she imagines the Pilgrim spotting her and her teammates.

The Pilgrim doesn't put much effort into looking around, thankfully.

Erin shifts as quietly as she can and remains in her hiding place waiting on Ray's signal.

"Where's my dad?" Jax ask's her.

The Pilgrim simply shrugs, "On board my ship, along with the others. All in perfect condition as long as your captain honours our deal."

"You'd murder a child?" Jax asks in disbelief.

"I'd murder as many children as it takes to complete my mission." Erin scoffs at the Pilgrims words.

Their Captain then proceeds to tell her about the consequences of killing a Time Master, to which the Pilgrim replies that she doesn't care.

The Pilgrim's finally had enough, "That's enough." She tells them.

"I'll take the boy." She motions to the younger Rip.

"Before you do that, we don't believe that my teammates loved ones are on your ship." Rip halts her.

She rolls her eyes but complies, "A show of good faith then." She gives a fake smile as she states, "A prisoner exchange, you send the boy and I'll send the dad. Once I have the future Captain Hunter in my possession, then I'll release the rest."

Rip merely nods and Jax's dad appears beside the Pilgrim.

"What the hell is going on?" He looks around confused.

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