Buying a Nuclear Warhead Part 2

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"So let me get this straight." Erin leans her elbows on the centre table in the brig.

"I can either go and steal something with them," she looks toward the criminals and Ray. "Or i could go meet a 20 year-old Martin." She looks toward Sara, and Firestorm.

She looks toward Rip, then back at Sara and says, "Sorry, stealing things sounds more fun."

With a shrug, Erin joins Ray along with Snart and Rory.

Sara laughs then turns around to go off with Jax and Stein.

"Alright." Erin claps her hands together, "Lets go steal a dagger."

Leonard smirks at her and then they all turn around to leave.

"I'm seeing motion detectors on the ground floor. Hardwood on the doors look standard issue." Leonard explains, Mick then saying "I'm not seeing any smoke alarms."

"Keep your cool, hothead." Erin warns. She doesn't want the dagger going up in flames for gods sake.

"Just stay close, i saw three armed guards on the perimetre." As Snart spoke, Erin could have sworn his eyes flickered from the house to her for just a moment.

Was he worried about her? Or was he just keeping an eye on her?

Maybe she was just reading too much into it.

"Right, boss."

Ray causually waltzes up to a dummy box. Snart speaks first, "What the hell are you-"

Ray cuts off the criminal by saying "I reconize the security system, my parents had the exact same one. I'll have the acess code cracked and security disabled before you can say 'breaking and entering'."

Ray closes the box and smiles proudly after fidling with the wires. "There, done!"

"You idiot." Erin groans.

Ray's smile drops. "What?" He questions like a sad puppy.

"You just tapped into the dummy box." Erin rolls her eyes.

"Which means those guards are gonna be here," Mick cuts off his partner by saying, "Quicker than you can say 'rookie mistake'."

Just as Mick finishes, sure enough three guards come from behind them, two of them point guns to the criminals backs while the third hold both Erin and Ray at gunpoint.

"This is just great." Erin complains.

On cue, both criminals turn around and headbutt the guards. This gives Erin the go-ahead to kick the third guard in the stomach, grab his gun and use it to knock him out.

"Okay," Erin dusts off her hands, "now that that's out of the way can we get to work?"

The four members break into the building, walk around and find a room full of artifacts.

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