Waking Up To The Guilt

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A/N I was listening to sad songs as I wrote this chapter so that should say everything you need to know. Also please be aware, TRIGGER WARNINGS.



The young girl stood at the door to the kitchen. She knew ease dropping was wrong but this certain conversation had caught her attention.

"You have to be careful with her." The woman says.

The man in the room scoffs loudly but the woman stands her ground.

She sternly says, "She has it too, I see it in her eyes when she's angry. You need to be careful."

The man laughs, a deep, dark, sickening laugh.

"I don't have to do anything, she was born a freak, she deserves it."

"God." She grumbles.

Light floods her closed eyes and the pounding against Erin's head doesn't show mercy.

Her hand finds its way to her head in an attempt to stop the pounding.

Someone shifts beside her and she knows that she has to open her eyes now.

Reluctantly Erin allows her left eye to open, then slowly allows her right eye to open.

She notices a figure to her right and the pounding in her head slowly begins to ease as she turns her head.

Sara sits beside her and Erin soon realizes that they're in their joined room.

Sara is still in her White Canary outfit and is staring at the brunette intently.

Sara smiles when they make eye contact. "How're you feeling?" She asks.

"Like I've had one too many drinks." Erin grumbles.

Sara offers her hand, allowing Erin assistance in shifting herself into a sitting position.

"There's someone that wants to see you." Sara stands up and opens the door, revealing another woman.

Sara leaves as Erin's sister walks in.

Carly smiles at the sight of her sister and throws herself into the open arms of the brunette.

Erin smiles as her younger sister is embraced in her arms.

"I've missed you so much." The young one mumbles into her shoulder.

Erin nods along. "I've missed you too."

When Carly leaves Erin's embrace she looks at the eldest with admiration.

"I talked to Sara. She said you took down the lady and saved us all."

Erin's brows furrow in confusion, she didn't remember stopping the Pilgrim. In fact, she doesn't remember anything except charging towards the Pilgrim after shooting her.

What happened after that? How did she get on the Waverider?

Erin plays it off, smiling at her sister. "What can I say? You're sister is just that awesome." She smirks.

If Carly noticed her confusion, she doesn't say anything about it.

Instead she gives her a smile and lightly shoves her shoulders, "Haha, very funny."

Erin just smiles back and decides she'll ask Sara later.

"How are things back at home?" Erin asks.

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