You Messed With The Wrong Team

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"What book did they read you this time?" The young girl asked from her side of the wall.

"A book full of nursery rhymes, they only read me three though, then they said it was time for bed." The younger one explained while she passed a piece of bread through the small hole in the cement.

"Sing one to me?" She suggested while she grabbed the bread.

The little one began to sing. "Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posy. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."

The older one would never tell her, but she found some sort of dark and twisted humour in that song. "It's nice." She commented instead.

"I was thinking of telling mom and dad that I'm sleeping over at Sara's tomorrow and then we could go sleep out in the Carin forest together. I already asked Sara and Laurel and they're willing to cover for us." The older one chewed on the bread while listening, then smiled.

"I'd love to."

Before Erin can finish the memory a knock interrupts her thoughts.

When she tells the person to come in, Stein is revealed at the door. "Is everything alright Ms. Cooper?" He asks the moment he lays eyes on her.

Erin smiles. "Please, just call me Erin, and yes everything's fine."

"Erin, there is no need to lie to me, please talk with me. How did your younger self manage all those bruises and cuts?" He asks.

Stien takes a seat next to Erin on her bed while her head hangs low and her eyes remain on her fiddling hands.

"My dad." She mumbles.

"Your father did that to you?" He asks in disbelief.

Erin doesn't answer his question so he immediately continues.

"I am so sorry Erin, I am always here to talk with you."

Erin nods her head but stays silent for a moment.

When Stein doesn't leave, she talks. "Maybe another time, I'm not ready to revisit it just yet."

"Of course," Stein says in understanding. "Perhaps another time." He stands up but does not leave the room.

Instead, he says "We have already retrieved Jefferson's and Mr. Palmers younger self, I am next to be retrieved and there is no one I trust more than you to pick up younger me."

Erin smiles, "I would be honoured."

The two stand up and head for the door and when they reach the hallway Erin heads right and Martin heads left.

Before Stein is out of view, Erin turns around and yells down the hall. "What about Jax? Don't you trust him most?"

"He's a part of me, he does not count." The professor yells back as he continues walking.

Erin turns back around smiling and begins to walk towards the cargo bay.


"I assume you are the couple who called for an ambulance?" Rip asks the man and woman in the car as Erin and him approach them.

"Yes." The man says, he appears to be holding a baby, wrapped in a small blanket.

"Excellent!" Rip exclaims, "My nurse here will take your baby and we will meet you at the hospital."

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