I Feel Like The Animal I Am

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"May you be unstoppable."

The two walk down the hall in a comfortable silence.

As they reach their conjoined room Erin speaks up, "We'll probably be at the Vanishing Point soon, I'm gonna change before we get there."

Sara nods her head, kissing Erin on the cheek before they part ways.

There was something Sara had to talk to Rip about, it seemed complicated so Erin didn't bother asking.

She stepped into their shared room, taking off the sweater and shirt she had on.

She rummages through her clothes and pulls out a dark purple, short sleeved shirt.

She slips it on and changes into a pair of light skinny jeans.

When Erin is all changed, she takes a minute and gazes at herself in the mirror.

She tries to shake off Savage's words from earlier.

If she was easy to manipulate, then who else had been manipulated in her family?

"You are on the good side."

A young girl, no older than 15 stood in front of a man, a tall woman behind her.

Why was her mind wandering? She never experienced this.

"He is on the wrong side."

The man was on his knees.

What is she thinking?

This isn't her, they're not her memories. Are they memories?

The woman smiles. She looks familiar.

Too familiar.

Erin's going crazy, she knows it.

People don't just randomly see things like this, she's going crazy she has to be.

Erin shakes her head, trying to get rid of the images but it does nothing.

The woman's blue dress sways. Her green eyes narrow.

"You are on the good side. He is on the wrong side."

The girl isn't Erin. She knows that.

It can't be.

The young girl stays still staring at the man.

But the girl looks so familiar. She almost... looks like Erin.

"Say it!"

Erin finds herself whispering the words as the woman had commanded.

"I am on the good side. He is on the wrong side."

The faint echo of the little girl remains, "I am on the good side. He is on the wrong side."

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