Let's Have Some Fun

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"May your colour reflect your mood. For within the eyes holds the soul."


Indistinctive voices.

Its like they're all around her, to be heard but not seen.

Just as it becomes clear, panic makes a presences in her mind.

A man and woman still talk.

Is it the same two from before?

But wait, her arms don't feel pinned down and her legs feel free.

Does this mean she can open her eyes?

She can't waste the one chance she has to attack them, she has to wait until one of them is close enough.

The mans voice is distant, he's far.

But the woman, she's...right beside her.

Without a moments hesitation Erin pops out of the surface shes on and swings her arm towards the voice, opening her eyes in the process.

Something cool wraps around her arm and stops it from moving any further.

And that's when her eyes focus.

They focus on Sara, standing in front of her, holding Erin's arm which is near inches from her face. Sara places another cool hand on Erin's shoulder nudging her lightly to sit back down.

"You came back." Erin whispers.

In response, Sara smiles and nods, releasing Erin's arm.

"What...what happened?" She asks.

"You tell us," Erin turns to face Stein sitting on a bed in the corner. "They took you away and you came back unconcious."

Erin nods her head, trying to remember as much as she can.

An accented voice.

"What can you remember?" Sara asks.

A woman's voice.

"Um...i...i remember this voice- a womans voice."

Erin wasn't the right one.

"Uh...they were looking for someone." 

Erin closes her eyes, scrambling through her mind to remember as much as she could.

"I wasn't that person though."

Sara places two soft hands on either one of Erin's arms, encouraging her to keep going. "Do you remmeber who they were looking for?"

"Project Panther."

"Project Panther." Erin mumbles.

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