White Picket Fences and New Jobs

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"So what exactly are we looking for?" Erin asks while staring at the patients photo.

She has a file of a Hope Wilson, in for dementia.

"Anything that seems out of the ordinary here." Stein says while burying himself in his file.

Erin stops and stares at Stien, "Are you like, serious?" She then laughs, "We're in an asylum man, everything's out of the ordinary here."

Sara laughs along while Martin replies, "It seems you do have a point, but i'm sure you're smart enough to know what i mean." He chuckles.

"Maybe, we'll find out." Erin laughs while putting her attention back to her file.

Reading over the womans file, Erin realized this was going to be a long hour.

"I'm gonna go get a milkshake, anybody want anything?" Erin asks as the group walks into the diner where their suppose to find Jax.

"No, thankyou." Stein smiles at her.

"Chocolate milkshake?" Sara smiles at the girl when Erin nods. "You got it." Erin replies and walks away.

She walks up to the counter and waits for someone to come up to her.

"Can i help you ma'am?" A lady in a blue outfit  and white apron asks from behind the counter.

"One chocolate and one vanilla milkshake please." Erin asks the girl.

"You got it sweetie." She says while walking off to make the drinks.

Erin stands and waits, leaning against the counter with her elbows on the surface.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone in here?" A big guy asks Erin, taking a seat next to where she's standing.

She guesses by his letterman jacket and young features that he's a highschool jock.

"I'm not alone." Erin answers simply. She keeps her eyes on the lady making the milkshakes as she finishes the first one.

"Well," the guy looks around and puts his hand on the counter near Erin's, "seems to me like you are."

"Just screw off." Erin says coldly as she watches the lady pouring the second milkshake into a glass.

The lady begins to come over with the milkshakes in hand.

"That's an asshole thing to say." The guy says getting angry.

"Well i only say asshole things to asshole guys." Erin says. She gives him a sarcastic smile and the lady puts the milkshakes infront of Erin.

"Bitch." The man grunts and slaps Erin across the face.

A mixture of ohs and gasps echo through the diner and out of the corner of her eye Erin see's Sara already on her feet.

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