White Picket Fences and Rouge Teammates

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"You're really leaving?" She asks.

The girl nods her head, "I've saved up enough money for that apartment across from school, i'll make just enough each month for rent and food if i keep my job at the diner." She explains.

"What if they ask where you went? What am i suppose to tell them?" The young girl asks, swinging her legs back and forth as she sits on the bed.

"They won't notice i'm gone." The older one states mater-of-factly. "And if they do they won't care."

"What if they turn it on me?"

The older one stops her, "Everything's going to be alright, okay? I'll be just across from school, you can come and visit me anytime you want."

"I'll miss you." The younger one hugs her sister, "I'll never be too far away." The older one replies.

The doors open and both Sara and Erin run towards them.

They let the warmth crawl up their skin as they leave the room.

Erin lays on the floor, soaking in as much heat as she possible can. When she looks over to Sara, she notices the blonde doing the same.

"I never thought i'd miss the warmth this much." Erin laughs.

Sara laughs along with her, "Same." She says.

Sara stands up and offers a hand to Erin, pulling the brunette off the floor as well.

"Come on," The blonde says, "we have a cold gun to return."

The two start to walk to the main bridge. They bump into Snart half way there, he takes the cold gun from the pair and mumbles a thanks.

He then adds, "I would wait here for a bit, the two love birds are having it out in the cargo bay."

"Oh God ew." Erin says while Sara laughs at the girls response.

The two love birds soon join the trio, "You okay?" Erin asks Ray when she notices his pale face.

"He almost died." Kendra speaks for him.

Sara pats him on the back. "Welcome to the club."

Erin decides to change the subject, so she turns to the AI, "Gideon, what's happening on the Acheron?"

"Funny you should ask, I just recieved a message from Mr. Rory. It seems he's escaped captivity and is now returning to the Waverider." Gideon tells them.

They all begin to walk towards the jumpship docking bay.

"Just Rory?" Erin asks suspicious, "Seems a bit odd."

"Told you, those pirates picked the wrong guy to mess with." Snart drawls.

"Actually, i don't remeber you saying anything about that." Erin smirks playfully which causes Leonard to glare.

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