Bar Fights and Decisions

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"Oh, i should have mentioned it before." Rip says. "Nausea is one of the side effects of time travel."

Mick throws up.

"Along with-" Rip is inturupted by someone saying "Ah!"

"Vertigo." Hunter finishes.

Erin bends over and lets her head rest in her hands. "Erin, you okay?" She hears Sara ask.

"I can't see." Stein says.

"Temporary blindness." Rip points to Stein, then to Erin, "And very-might i add-very massive headaches."

"Oh, it should only last a minute. After all, that was a mere jaunt." Erin hears Rip say, her head punding with every word he speaks. "The further back in time you go, the worse the side effects."

"Better?" Rip asks someone- most likely Stein.

"It's all relative." Stein then replies.

"You good?" Sara asks, Erin assumes to her.

"Yeah, i'm good." Erin sits herself up again and runs her hands through her hair, clearing her mind.

"I can't believe you kidnapped me!" Jax then begins to rant.

"Hey!" He says to Rip, "I wanna go home."

"Good news then," Rip rounds the table in the middle of the room, "2016 will be around in, uh, 41 years."

"Now." Rip turns to Erin, who sits near Snart, Mick and Sara. "You four, feel free to make yourselves comfortable back here on the ship while the rest of you are coming with me to find Professor Boardman.

"Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah." Erin speaks up.

Sara finishes Erins thoughts by saying, "You're benching us? I thought we were a team."

"The mission doesn't require your particular skill set." Rip pauses, then says, "Yet."

"Meaning you don't need anyone killed, maimed, robbed or mauled to death." Snart says from behind Erins chair.

"Precisely." Rip answers the criminal.

Rip then goes to talk to Ray, but Erin doesn't pay attention to any of it, she only hears Mick yell to Ray, saying "Hey haircut, deafness wasn't one of the side effects."

"We better hurry up, Professor Boardman will die in less then 24 hours." Rip starts to explain.

Erin turns to Sara while Rip talks. "I'm going to find a room." She tells her.

"Gideon, right?" Erin asks as she roams the halls of the Waverider. "Yes, that is indeed my name, Ms. Cooper." The AI replies.

"K, You got a room for me?" She asks.

"Yes. Down the hallway and to the right." Gideon explained.

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