When It Rains, It Pours

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Let them tremble at your name

The team stands around the rooftop in St. Roch.

Erin stands next to Sara, absentmindedly leaning into the assassin.

"Alright," Jax starts, "help me lift this, we can fly it out of here." He directs his statement towards the hawks.

"To where? And we would never make it in time." Kendra argues as she crosses her arms.

All Erin could think was that this would be the end of the Legends, one last hurrah before they destroy the earth and everyone they love too. She wishes that Carly was here so she could say her final goodbyes and tell her younger sister how much she loves her.

"Maybe the Waverider can?" Ray suggests.

His idea brings a small amount of hope to Erin, but when she looks over to the meteor her smile drops.

It's gone.

"Rip we need-" Sara stops mid sentence as she looks around in confusion. That's when Erin notices that Rip is missing as well.

"Where's Rip?" Sara asks.

Erin uses this chance to mention "The meteorites gone too."

Erin attempts to recount the last few minutes of their adevnture. Both the meteorite and Rip had been with them up until this point.

A familiar whirring noise fills her ears and seconds later the entire team seems to notice it as well. When Erin follows the sound her eyes land on the Waverider as it flies towards them.

"What the hell?" She mumbles. Why was the Waverider coming from the sky instead of the ground?

The ship lands and the ramp opens, causing the team then scurries towards it.

When Erin boards she immediately ducks as something sparks above her head.

She did not remember the Waverider in such bad condition. In fact, it had been in perfect condition last time she was on it.

The lights were out, leaving the ship in almost complete darkness and as they walked the halls she noticed broken pipes and panels and sparks flying from almost every inch of the ship.

They silently agree to head towards the bridge, where their Captain would most likely be.

The bridge appears to be just as bad- if not worse- than the rest of the ship. Pipes fall and spark, with gas spraying from a broken pipe in the roof. Gideon seems to be a bit dysfunctional, glitching in and out every few seconds and everything in Rip's office is disheveled and broken.

"Will somebody please tell me what happened?" Jax asks, now separated from his other half.

Rips seat turns and their captain stumbles out looking just as rough as his ship. "Sorry I gave you all a fright." He says.

"A fright?" Erin crosses her arms, "More like a heart attack."

Rip chuckles nervously, letting out another apology at the group, though something told Erin he wasn't all that sorry.

"What happened to the meteor?" Jax asks.

"Uh, i flew it into the heart of the sun." Rip shrugs. "Well, i angled the ship to eject the meteorite before impact, and then, uh, time jumped away."

The team stares dumbfounded and their captain. "You could've been killed." Stein decides to mention.

Mick, who somehow already has a beer, adds in "Should've been, you're a moron."

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