White Knights Part 1

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"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip says as the ship comes to a halt.

Everybody lifts up their restraints as Snart says "Walk in the park."

"So where are we, or i guess when are we?" Erin asks while the teams gathers around the centre table.

"Washington dc." Rip explains, "The year is 1986."

Stein is the one who clues in, "We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation."

"Yes." Rip confirms. "We've traveled here because i have a new lead on Savage. Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts."

As Rip says this, a document shows up in the centre table. With most of it being blocked out, Erin finds no interest in it and decides to go check their surroundings from the big window by the Captains chair.

"Tele-what?" Jax asks as he turns to face the sheet.

"It's like an email, but on paper." Erin shouts from the window, pausing after what she sees.

"Wow, that's totally useless." Jax describes the telefax. "Dude, this whole things crossed out." He further describes.

"Yes, redacted by the US goverment. Which is why we are going to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him."

"Uh guys." Erin stares out the window in awe, which causes suspicion in everybody but their Captain.

Erin speaks once more but is cut off by Rip, "We're flying over th-" "Now, now Miss. Cooper, do not worry, we are cloaked."

Everybody walks towards the window to see what has caught their teammate's attention.

"You want us to break into the Pentagon?" Sara asks upon seeing where they have landed.

"Sounds awesome." Mick comments.

To which Kendra exclaims, "It sounds crazy!"

"What's the plan?" Erin walks away from the window and back to the center table, folding her hands and resting her elbows on the metal.

"Oh, the fabricator will fashion you the necessary credentials, Miss. Cooper, you will be staying behind on the ship with me, only providing assistant if things turn bad."  "When things turn bad." The panther corrects her Captain.

"Ooh don't forget our g-man disguises." Ray says excitedly. "I always wanted to be a spy." He claims.

"Please stop." Erin begs in a jokingly manner.

The teams walks off to get ready and before anybody knows it, they're in.

"Now," Rip begins to explain the plan as Erin gets comfortable in a chair, feeling more tired than usual. "the file we're after is kept in a secure room. In order to gain access, we're going to uh,"

Erin closes her eyes, ready for a nap. But she still speaks saying, "Steal a keycard."

"Precisly." Rip tells the group.

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