He Ain't No Stray

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"Why do they do this?" She asked her sister as they cuddled next to eachother in her bed.

"Because they don't like me. They like you, cherish that." The older one said, wiping a stray tear.

"But why don't they like you?" The younger one asked, still not understanding.

She wrapped her arms around the oldest as her sister began to cry more.

"Because i'm not good enough for them."

The younger of the two shook her head.

"You're perfect to me."

The group enters the bridge to find Rip in his office.

"What is it about you people that whenever we go to a new timeline you feel the need to pick up..." Rip comes face to face with Jonah.


Jonah looks around and examines the ship. "Nice. I didn't get to see it last time around."

"Last time?" Jax asks their captain.

"A long story," Rip dismisses, "one which we will not be telling."

"My coat suits you good." Jonah examines.

"What are you doing here Jonah?" Rip quickly changes the topic.

"Collecting a bounty, wetting my whistle, when your friends here got into a lot of trouble." Jonah explains.

Rip sighs and moves back up his office steps.

"We might have gotten into a barroom brawl back in town." Ray mentions as Rip walks into his office.

"Well, that was entirly predictable." Rip sighs.

Jonah adds in "One of them poured lead into a member of the Stillwater gang."

"Mr. Rory." Rip guesses.

"Actually it was Snart." Erin pipes into the conversation.

"Oh, that was to be my mext guess." Rip comments as he spins around to face the group.

"This guy tried to kill Grey. Snart saved him." Jax defends.

"And brought this town a whole lot of hell in the bargain." Hex fires. "The boys you were trading hands with at the saloon are members of the Stillwater gang."

"What can't a gang ever be a bunch of good guys." Ray comments.

Jonah ignores Ray and continues, "Jeb Stillwater and his friends been raiding this town for the past three months. Stealing, killing, robbing."

"Well he'll have to go through us." Ray steps up.

Rip only shakes his head while saying "No, he won't."

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