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"When you think of love, Ollie, what comes to mind?" She asked him.

Oliver thought for a moment, actually considering the question.

"Family." He finally answered.

She nodded her head, taking in his answer. Before she could thank him, Oliver added something else, "And following them into the deepest hell even if it kills you."

She nodded, "But what if they don't love you?"

"If you love them enough, then that shouldn't matter."

The girl smiled, "Thankyou, Ollie."

She then gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the Arrow Cave.

"What's happening!?" Erin yells as her, Sara and Snart run to the bridge.

"We're crash landing!" Rays yells back as the ship shakes more violently and everybody straps in.

Erin straps in beside Sara and the ship continues to shake. A pipe bursts behind the crew and Erin can hear something sizzling from the burst pipeline.

The ship spins and jerks back and forth before the group is finally thrown foward into their restraints and the ship comes to a halt.

Everybody lifts up their restraints. Everybody seems to be mostly okay.

Erin clutches her head as searing pain spreads through it. She feels a hand on her back and believes it to be Sara's.

Erin sees a flash of red and suddenly the pain is gone. She slowly opens her eyes and looks up to see Sara stand next to her. "You okay?" She asks, trying to sound calm.

"Yeah i'm good." Erin says back, rubbing her eyes.

The team gets up and, through unspoken words, walk out of the ship and into the mysterious time and place they have landed.

They walk down the ramp and off of the Waverider.

The ramped closes and Rips says, "Gideon, campuflauge the ship."

Erin hears the whirring noises of the ship and then she focuses on her surrounding.

Around her buildings are destroyed, there is wreckage thrown everywhere and things are on fire everywhere she looks.

It is a horrific site that she would never wish on any place. It was almost as if she could hear the screams of the ones who died here, she can't even begin to imagine how horrific those deaths must have been.

"Where the hell are we?" Erin asks as the group ventures further into the wreckage.

Rip looks at something on his wrist, "Star City." He says.

Erin and Sara whip around to face him, "I'm sorry, what!?" They say in usion.

"I thought you said the future was safe?" Sara says after.

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