Wild, Wild, West

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"Ah, it's been quite a while since i've time jumped far enough to experience side effects." Rip complains as he raises the bar of the seat off of his shoulders.

He grips his head, most likely experiencing a headache.

The rest of the team gets out of their seats as well.

"I can't feel my face." Jax complains, reaching up to touch his cheeks.

"Can anyone else not feel their face?"

"Fine feel i." Snart tries to explain.

"Linguistic Dysplasia, that should pass shortly." Rip informs them.

"Better it now." Snart tried again.

"I feel fine." Erin says, looking to Sara who appears to be fine as well.

"I can't feel my," Ray pauses, "i better not say."

"Mr. Rory appears unaffected." Stien points out.

The team looks over to Mick who looks comfusingly back at the group.

"What's going on, we time jump?" He asks.

The group begins to stand and a few of them nod their heads.

Rory takes his restraint off and does the same.

They all gather around the centre table as Jax says "Yeah, we time jumped. But 'to where' is the better question."

They all look to Rip who answers "The town of Salvation, the Dakota territory, 1871."

"I can't believe it." Stien comments in awe, "The Old West."

"Better grab your cowboy hat Stien." Erin smiles.

"This isn't going to work." Mick immediatly rains down on their parade.

"It'll buy us time." Rip argues back.

The team looks at the two confused as they argue back and forth with Rip then saying "We can hide out here while the Hunters search other fragments."

"What if they check this place first?" Mick fires.

"You know, we'd love to be looped in whenever you find it convenient." Erin speaks for the whole group.

Rip looks at the group and sighs before explaining. "As you've all seen, time doesn't operate as generally thought. Time wants to happen, but it takes time to harden. The timeline is unclear on occasion, constantly in flux."

"Hence the difficulty in locating Savage." Stien clues in.

"Indeed." Rip nods along.

"And one of the other interesting notions of time travel is the existance of Fragmentations."

Mick cuts Rip off and begins to explain. "Temporal blindspots, specific places and times the Time Masters can't see." He meets Erins eyes then quickly looks away, causing Erin to look at the floor in dissapointment.

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