Don't Call Us Heroes, We're Legends

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Let them fear you

The trio walks back towards the bridge after having Gideon inform them that she had located Svage in 1944.

The two girls walked hand-in-hand, with their Captain walking infront of them.

"What's the plan?" Ray asks once the team merges together.

"Simple, we locate Savage and where ever he may be Kendra and Carter will not be far behind." Rip states as he walks towards the console.

"That simple?" Erin asks, to which Rip nods his head.

Erin lets out a series of mumbles which Sara is barley able to hear. Something along the lines of "Hell no." and "This is gonna go to shit."


"So, this is a spaceship?" Carter asks as he looks around.

The team had just gotten back from their mission, succeeding in rescuing Carter but failing to rescue Kendra.

Erin couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that Kendra was only feet away from her at one point and was reeling through her mind thinking of what she could have done differently.

"It's a time ship." Rip brings her out of her thoughts. "But yes it does also travel through space."

Stein steps in to speak this time, "You've seen it before, Mr. Hall."

Erin glances to her left where jax is sitting, before she looks back to Carter who seems a bit confused.

"That use to be my name. Carter Hall." It seems there's a bit of recognition in his voice but Erin isn't able to tell.

"There's a lot to fill you in on." Erin adds.

Rip glances over at her before his eyes train back on Carter.

"Unfortunately, we do not have the time." Before Rip can say anything else Carter speaks up for a split second.

"What about-" Again, Rip is quick to cut him off and Erin finds a small headache building at the back and forth of these two.

"Kendra, yes," Rip says, "we need your assistance in locating her and Savage. Perhaps we can start with what Savage was doing in 1944."

Carter makes his way towards the group causing Erin to involuntarily tense. She still wasn't use to him being on their side after the last time she saw him.

"He said something about Thanagarian technology."

Erin repeats the word to herself before standing. "I'm gonna go do some research on that and see what I can find."

Before anyone can argue Erin is already walking away.

Erin takes multiple turns throughout the hall, almost losing her way but eventually bumping into Sara.

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