I Wondered What Happened To His Body

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"I'm gonna make this very simple for you, Mr. Blake." The girls hear Rip begin as they walk into the room. "You tell me where Vandal Savage is hiding his fortune and we will let you leave here unmolested."

The man tied to the chair only laughs, "Vandal Savage is the name you know him by?"

"Lets just assume that, yeah." Erin speaks up.

"And what is your name?" He turns back to Rip. "Gareeb?"

Both girls toss him a questioning look. "Will you give us a moment?" Rip asks them.

"Gareeb?" Sara asks.

"It's a legend passed down for 4,000 years." Blake says trying to draw their attention. "When my master was first bestowed the gift of eternal life, an enemy tried to kill him." Erin tosses Rip a stare while Blake continues, "Every myth has its monster, its devil. For those of our order, it's him, Gareeb."

"I'd stop talking now if I were you, mate." Rip interrupts, trying to obviously hide something from both girls, Erin knew it wouldn't be anything good once they found out.

"If I were you, I'd run." The man says, still maintaining his attention on both girls.

"Your friend has already failed to kill my master once. He won't be able to protect you. In fact," His attention now directs towards the Captain. "I highly doubt he's ever been able to protect anyone."

Rip leaves the room, obligating both Erin and Sara to follow him out to the hall. "What did he mean you already tried to kill Savage?" Was the very first thing said once they had left the room.

Rip answers Saras question saying "Leave it be, Sara."

"No," Erin steps in, "If you want us to do this-" "Yes, okay!" Rip cuts her off. "I-i had the chance to kill Savage once before. I had him dead to rights and I hesitated."

He begins to walk away but Erin grabs his arm, pulling him back towards the pair. "Who are you, Gareeb?" She asks.

"Killing is never easy, especially for a good man." Sara adds.

"But the man killed my wife and son and God knows how many other wives and sons, and yet I couldn't." Rip counters. "Your killing people doesn't make you a monster, Sara, but having the chance to avenge your family and not taking it, that does."

Before either woman has the chance to answer, Rip walks back into the holding cell, so they follow.

"Lets try this again." Erin mumbles.

"Back for more?" Their enemy questions.

"Where's Savage's fortune? Now, I'm particularly interested in this thing called the 'vessel'." Rip begins. The man responding with, "The vessel is my masters most treasured possession."

"Excellent," Erin claps her hands together "and where can we find it?" She asks.

"The Greyhill building." He answers quickly. "There's a gathering tonight in celebration of it."

"And clearly you want us to go so we can get ourselves killed." Rip retorts.

"Clearly." Mr. Blake echos.

"What is the vessel?" Sara finally speaks up.

Blake is quick to answer this one as well, "It's the remains on Prince Khufu of the Middle Kingdom. I believe you know him as Carter Hall."

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