End of a Line

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May you live forever,

"Please don't do this." She begged.

She advanced on her, not even caring.

"Come on, look, it's me. Remember me?" She pleaded.

But the creature couldn't remember her, the panther just saw a person, her prey.

But something inside her screamed at her.

Something screamed "she promised! Don't make her break it!"

The panther shook her head, drowning out the voice with her growls.

She stalked closer and closer to her until it was only 3 feet that kept them apart.

"I love her! Stop!"

Tears streamed down the girls face but that had no affect on Erin.

All Erin knew was that she had to kill.

"I'm not going to hurt you." She cried. "Please remember me. It's Sara, come on please."

Erin just growled in response, lunging towards her and aiming for her neck.

But something seemed to stop the panther from actually attacking.

Something made her swerve her body mid air to avoid hitting the woman.

Something made her stop and look.

Really look.

And that's when that voice made sense.

That voice in her head that was telling her to stop finally made sense.

And so she did.

She stopped and she stared at the blonde woman she loves.

The woman who hid her face attempting to protect herself rather than attempting to defend herself.

Because God help her if she had to hurt the woman she loved.

And God help Erin, who almost did hurt the woman she loved.

The panthers dark green eyes seemed to glitch.

The dark aurora of green seemed to fade to a brown.

The brown eyes that became a human staring at another.

And within those humans eyes danced so much emotion it could flood a cruise ship.

Sara's hands dropped from her face after a moment of stillness.

She was met with Erin, back in her human form, who was focused on shakily standing to her feet.

When they met eyes they stayed silent.

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