You Died!?!?

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<<YOU DIED!?!?>>

Sara threw a knife, hitting the receptionist square in the chest causing a fight to break out amoung the sides.

She pulled a second knife from her sleeve and threw one toward a mercenary.

"Exactly how many knives do you have!?" Rip says, showing he is not happy but also at the same time greatful about the weapons ordeal.

Erin walks past Rip and pats him on the shoulder, "Suit up and fight future boy." She retorts while her eyes turn yellow and she attacks the second mercenary.

"Seems you brought a knife to a sword fight." One of the men say to Sara.

Rip knocks out a man as Erin does the same.

They both turn to Sara who is going crazy full out killer. She's just about to stab and kill a man when Rip yells out, "Sara no! Sara don't, we need him!"

She stops just short of her throat and the man begins to laugh.

Before he can say anything, Erin walks over and kicks the man into an unconcious state.

Rip picks him and and begins to drag him out of the bank.

How nobody caught them in the very suspicious act of dragging a body out to the desert, no one knows.

They arrived back at the Waverider and tied the man to a chair before leaving him in a holding cell.

They all walk out of the room, Sara first, Rip second, and Erin last.

"What the hell happened back there?" Rip stops Sara.

The trio stops walking and Sara wips around the face Hunter. Erin takes a step back and leans against the wall to let these two work out their problems.

She doesn't leave though, out of her concern for her friend possibly attacking their captain or something.

"You know i'm a killer." She replies with attitude. "That's why you put me in your little group."

"What i just witnessed was not a killer at work, Sara. What i saw was an animal." Rip confesses.

Erin crosses her arms and puts more weight into the wall. Sara continues.

"You are the last person on this ship to judge anyone." She sounds hurt.

"It is not judgment, Sara." Erin tried to hold back a laugh at Rips words. "It is concern." He finishes.

"I thought you knew how i was resurrected and- and what it did to me."

Erin practically jumps off the walls at Saras words.

Erin no longer has her weight against the wall, her arms fall to her sides and her mouth hangs open in complete disbelief, at the thought that her best friend had died and she hadn't known.

Sara flicks her eyes toward Erin and then back at Rip, this was definatly a conversation to be had with Erin later.

"I know you were restored by something called the Lazerous Pit." Rip tood the assassin.

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