I Loved You, I Lost You, Then I Found You

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"Oh, that little bitch." She sneered, touching the girls face gently.

Her finger brushed over the cut above her eyebrow and the girl flinched.

"Sorry." The other one mumbled. She picked up the wet cloth from the bucket and lightly dabbed the wound.

The girl flinched once the cold cloth touched the open scratch but the other girl kept going. "I'm going to kill that bitch." The third one said as the other one dabbed the cloth.

"Woah woah woah." The girl grabbed her arm, trying to reason with her. "She didn't mean it, it's fine."

"She didn't mean to corner you in the bathroom and beat you up? Ya sure." The other one said sarcastically.

"Hey she'll get what's coming to her, just don't become the one person you've feared to be your whole life." The girl said calmly.

The other smiled warmly calming herself down. "You always kept me at my best." She tells the other.

The young girl smiles and puts an ice pack on her arm, wincing slightly at the pain, but she smiled through it, "Those you love are always going to bring out the best in you."

"Um, move that one there." She points to the red square.

It dissapears and a black piece appears beside it.

"Well damn, put that one there." She points to another one and drifts her finger.

A black one dissapears and Erin smiles, "Yes! Suck on that!" She says happily.

The red one suddenly dissapears. "Really?" She says as he smile dissapears.

"Hey." A soft voice says from behind her.

Erin turns around in one swift motion and smiles when her eyes meet with Sara.

"Hey." Erin softly says back. She then looks back at the game, "Stein was right, Gideon is ruthless when it comes to checkers. She's been kicking my ass."

"Wasn't very hard to Ms. Cooper." The AI responds.

Sara's eyes go wide and she bursts out laughing, "Wow Gideon, sass."

"I'll save our game for later Ms. Cooper." Gideons tells her. The game on the screen dissapears and turns to black.

Erin turns back to face Sara, both of them still smiling.

Erin walks towards Sara and wraps her arms around the blondes neck.

"How are you feeling." Sara asks the panther.

"Like less of a freaky flying chicken." Erin laughs, then adding, "Don't tell Kendra i said that."

Sara laughs and then places a kiss onto Erin's lips.

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