Buying a Nuclear Warhead Part 1

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"And we've arrived." Rip announces, taking off his shoulder restraints. "Gideon, if you wouldn't mind camoflauging us as an alpin meadow perhaps?"

Mick looked like he was going to throw up again, so Erin kept her distance.

"What are you complaining about?" Snart asks his partner. "It's not like we time-jumped or anything."

"I hate flying. Especially in, whatever this thing is." Mick retorts, using his hands to motion to the ship.

"Where exactly are we?" Erin asks, standing from her seat and stretching her legs.

"We're still in 1975, right?"

"Indeed." Rip answers, standing from his seat.

Everybody gathers around the middle table to dicuss their mission.

"October 1975 on the fiord of nothern Norway."

"Sounds like a vacation." Snart interupts.

"Which we can take as soon as the threat of Savage has been neutralized, Mr. Snart." Rip tells the criminal.

Rip pulls something from his trench coat and sets it on the table.

"That's Aldus notebook." Kendra points out.

Rip begins to explain, "Now, he theorized that Savage might be here, and if he's right, and we can capture Savage, then at least Professor Boardman didn't die in vain."

"Can't we just go back and save Aldus? He was our son." Kendra says, filled with hope.

"Look i'm sorry." Rip says, but something in Erin tells her that he isn't really sorry. Rip continues, "We can't go back and change events in which we participated. Time would fold in on itself and create a tempral vortex."

"That's totally not gonna happen with this team." Erin mumbles sarcastically.

"It's sounds way cooler than it is." Ray speaks over Erins mumbling.

"Forgetting physics for a second, shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway." Sara pipes in, seemingly the only one to be on task right now.

"According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms." Rip explains to the group.

"Now that sounds like a vacation!" Mick laughs.

"Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing." Snart drawls slowly.

"Well, looks like you and your lap dog finally get to earn your keep." Carter speaks up, agitating Mick in the proccess.

"I'm no one's lap dog, bird man." Mick defends.

"So, um, what exactly are we suppose to wear to a black market arms bizaar anyway?" Erins asks the captain, before the argument between Carter and Mick gets out of hand.

"The Waverider has a fabrication room which can fashion temorally-indigenous, uh, fashion." Rip explains.

"You have a room that makes clothing?" Jax speaks excitedly.

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