White Picket Fences and Mutant Hawks

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"Wow, you're looking snazzy." Erin compliments upon seeing Jax in his suit.

Meanwhile, Erin was in a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black shirt with sleeves that went down just past her elbows.

"So what's the plan loverboy?" Erin bugs Jax with the nickname.

Jax laughs and turns around, ready to leave the ship.

"Well i'm picking her up, in a car that Rip, uh, borrowed and i'm going to take her out somewhere, i'm just not sure where though, i'll try to get her talking about Tommy." Jax explains.

He then turns back to Erin. "I can give you a ride until we're about a block away from her house." He suggests.

Erin nods her head and smiles. She says thankyou to the boy and then hops into the car with him.

They ride in silence until Erin speaks up. "Wherever you're going, take the back roads if you can, it'll be easier for me to follow you undetected." She explains.

Jax nods his head and agrees with her.

Then, Erin starts to mock him a little and pretends to fake mother him, "Now remeber," she says in a fake perky voice, "be polite and always use yor please and thankyou's. And if the father says midnight, bring her home for 11."

Jax laughs along with Erin and then he mocks a voice too, "Yes mother." He laughs.

As they continue to laugh, Jax pulls over onto the side of the road and puts the car in park.

"Alright." Their laughter dies down. "We're one block away from her house, it's just up there and to the left." He motions with his hands down the road.

Erin pats him on the back and then steps out of the car, "I won't be too far behind, good luck." She smiles at him and shuts the door.

Once the door is closed Jax takes off towards the girls house.

"Okay," Erin mumbles to herself, "Happy thoughts."

She closes her eyes and when she opens them, they're a dark shade of green.

"Just think of puppies, and kittys." Her claws start to come out from her hands. Slowly, she begins to shrink lower and lower to the ground.

"Think of that casserole, man that was a good casserole." She whispers.

In a matter of moments, her talks and whispers turn into low growls and snarls.

Her dark green eyes glaze over the field and she sniffs out Jax's direction; two streets down and to the left, he's with an unfamiar scent, most likely the girl.

Her ears perk up when the sound of tires against ashphalt fill the silent night air.

She begins to run lightly on her four paws, remaining calm in her panther state.

As Jax's smell gets weaker she begins to pick up the pace until she is in a full sprint.

She flashes by the streets in hopes that no one sees her. But once she reaches the back roads, she catches up to the car and then slows down, hiding in the fields of wheat.

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