Dealing With Our Losses

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Reign longest of them all

Usually the Legends are partying by now.

They completed their mission, the Oculus was destroyed, the Time Masters ceased to exist. There was nobody protecting Savage and the Legends were free to proceed without being hunted down by anything or anyone.

What wasn't there to celebrate?

Why weren't they all laughing over some type of alchohol by now?

Perhaps it was the fact that they were now one member short.

That they had left the ship with 8 and only returned with 7.

If anything, they had begun the day with 10 and their numbers slowly dwindled down to 7.

"He gave his life for ours." Jax speaks up, his words cutting through the silence like a knife would flesh.

"He was a hero." Ray says.

When Erin thinks about it, Ray's right.

He sacrificed his life to save the 7 remaining teammates, so that they could live and find the other 2. So that they could save the world in his honour.

Although, "That was the last thing he wanted to be." Erin voices her thoughts.

"But that's what he was." All eyes move to Sara who sits beside Erin, before the ship falls silent again.

Erin watches Sara a little longer than intended, watching as she quickly wipes a stray tear from her eye.

As if feeling Erin's eyes on her, Sara turns to face the brunette.

Sara offers up a sad smile and Erin only reaches her arms out. She silently asks if Sara wants a hug.

The blonde closes her eyes momentarily and nods, which is when Erin scootches closer.

Sara leans into the brunnette and keeps her eyes closed.

She inhales Erins scent while her arms wrap protectivly around her, making Sara feel the most safe she's felt in a long time.

Sara doesn't move, neither does Erin, and she won't until Sara is ready to go.

And even then, she'll follow Sara just to make sure the blonde's okay.

Because she cares that much.

Sara stays cuddled into Erin, even as people begin to leave.

Nobody tosses glances at anyone, nobody makes any smart remarks or jokes.

All their eyes stay trained to the floor and the only sound is the echo of footsteps as everyone slowly leaves.

Eventualy, the only ones left are the two girlfriends and their Captain.

"Gideon?" Rip walks away into his office.

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