See Y'all at High Noon

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"We sat for that picture at the county fair, 1830. He looked like such a gentleman." Past Kendra explains to the girls as they sit around a fire.

"What was his name?" Present day Kendra asks as her fingers trace over the picture.

"Hannibal, Hannibal Hawkes."

"And what happened?" Erin asks, "Was it Savage?"

Before the lady can answer, Kendra points to a braclet in the pictures. "What is this? It looks familiar."

Past Kendra sighs, "That was our in our first lives. We crossed Savage in Jefferson City. He had it with him. We escaped with it and our lives."

Present Day Kendra then asks "Do you still have it with you?"

"We lost it to bandits about a year later. We heard that the Pinkertons were after the same bandits, but we just" Kendra interupts her other self. (wow that's a weird sentance)

"Wait, i learned that objects present the day of our death can be used to kill Savage."

"You're gonna kill Savage with a braclet?" Erin half laughs half questions.

Older Kendra shakes her head, "You got to stop fighting it girl."

All three look confused, "Fighting what?" Kendra asks.

"Our destiny."

"What part of destiny is she fighting?" Sara asks.

The older Kendra sighs, "All of it. We find Hannibal-Carter, Savage finds us, and then we die. That's the way it's been, that's the way it will always be."

"I don't believe that." Kendra says.

Her reincarnated self sighs once again. "Well i have a few years on you. You can't break the cycle. That's why i live out here, alone." She glances around her, motioning to the wilderness.

"For the rest of your life?" Erin asks. She couldn't imagine living all alone for decades just to die and relive again, alone for more decades.

"Well i guess i had to figure that out the hard way." Older Kendra looks off into the field surrounding them. "I was still a young girl when Savage left me a widow. Instead of waiting for him to find me and kill me so i could love my hannibal in the next life, i tried to find love in this one. Talk about a curse." She mumbles the last part.

"What happened?" Kendra is the one to ask, seeming most intrigued out of them all.

"He was a good man, but he wasn't a soul mate." She explains. "It was like fate was trying to break us apart. Eventually, fate broke both our hearts. So i made a promise to myself that i wasn't gonna do that to a person again."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Kendra says

Her older self shakes her head before saying "No, i'm who's sorry to be the one to tell you that you're never going to be able to love anyone else, ever."

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