When Do We Ever Listen?

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For you are a Nightingale

"I look like an idiot." Rory complains.

Laughing, Erin flicks the feather on his hat, causing him to grumble more.

From her left, Stein speaks up, in an identical outfit to the other boys only in a different colour. "I rather like the style of le Mousquetaires de la garde."

"Uh, oui?" Erin responds to Stein, confused at what he had just said.

"Can we concentrate please?" Rip snaps her out of her thoughts. "King Louis XII is scheduled to meet an untimely end at the hand of Cardinal Richelieu's men at any moment."

"Roger that. I have eyes on the King." Ray's voice comes through the coms.

Ray had been assigned protection of the King, while Sara had been assigned protection of the Queen. The rest of the gang stood roaming around outside the castle, awaiting the arrival of the so-called aberration.

"Whatever you do, don't let him out of your sight." Rip speaks into the coms.

"But if today's when he's supposed to..." Ray trails off, "You know, with the queen, i..."

This time when Ray trails off Stein cuts in. "Raymond, without that consummation there will be no Louis coutures, no Sun King, and no golden age of France. Which means by extension no Madame Curie, no Louis Pasteur."

The group begins to walk amongst the people of France of 1637. Erin lightly nudges Stein, "I think what he wanted us to say is that he doesn't have to stay when Mr. and Mrs. France do the nasty."

Stein chuckles before departing from Erin, walking a few steps away.

"Sara?" Erin decides to check in.

No response.

This time, Rip tries. "Sara? I need to know that the Queen is secure."

Before they have anymore time to contact Sara, Stein grabs their attention. "In the meantime, I believe i've identified our assassins and I'd wager those aren't just swords on their hips."

Erin's attention is directed to a bridge, where multiple men dressed in black approach them. Erin shuffles around in the long silver dress she's wearing, mumbling "Damn dresses." Raising her voice she directs her next statement at Rip. "How the hell do I fight in one of these."

One of the men raises a gun and fires at the group, causing them to all duck for cover.

"Figure it out!" Rip yells over the commotion.

The men jump from the bridge and continue to fire at the team. Stein runs for cover, most likely to find his other half, while Rip charges at one of the men and begins to fight with him.

Erin watches Mick disappear into the castle, deciding that she was more useful in there than outside, she follows him.

As Erin enters the building she watches Mick knock the King of France to the ground as a shot goes by their heads.

She turns and quickly pulls out a gun, aiming at one of the men and hitting him straight in the chest.

A second assassin appears behind him with his gun up but before either of them can shoot the man is falling to the ground and being knocked out but Jax.

Erin smiles and gives his a small nod, which he returns.

"Where the hell is Sara?" Mick grumbles up at the two.

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