Ant-Man 2.0

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//ANT-MAN 2.0\\

"Just one more driveway to shovel then we can go to the store, okay?" She told her younger sister.

The two little girls were walking down the street in their snow suits with two shovels in their hands.

They had already pocketed $20 from shovelling snow off the driveways of their neighbours.

Considering the size of the driveways and the age of the girls their neighbours had given them $10 for their work.

"$10 more then we can go to the comic book store?" The young one beamed with excitement.

The older girl smiled back, "Yep."

"Vandal Savage has a daughter?" Ray asks in disbelief.

Martin sighs, "Apperently it's true, there is a lid for every pot."

Jax, who is sitting in a chair, speaks up. "And this lid is gonna be very upset when he finds out we took his pot."

Every one stares at Jax and Erin puts her hand over her mouth and cover up a laugh.

Jax realizes what he said and looks at the team as if they were the most immature people in the world, "You know what I mean."

"So what's the problem?" Ray asks the group who were all sitting around Rip's office. "It's not like we're on Savage's Christmas card list."

Erin nods her head in agreement and then Kendra, who's standing to her left, speaks up "And we got the bracelet."

"You're welcome by the way." Snart smirks.

Rip then states the obvious. "We need to weaponize it before Savage realizes that it and his daughter are both missing."

"Actually, I think I may have figured that out." Kendra turns to Mick. "But I'm gonna need you to burn something for me."

"About damn time." Mick grumbles, sipping on his beer.

Erin spreads her legs out straight in front of her on the floor and leans her head against the door frame of Rip's office. "We still need to figure out what we're gonna do with our new guest."

"She's seen us and the ship." Sara points out, crossing her arms, "If she runs back to Savage we're giving him a huge advantage."

Mick's gruff voices joins in on the conversation. "So we make her our advantage. We send Papa Savage a finger and we keep sending 'em 'till he puts his own head on the chopping block."

The group just stares at him until Martin shakes his head. "That is a positively lurid idea."

Erin stares at the professor, "Did you just say positively?" She asks him.

He quickly acknowledges her question by nodding his head. He then puts his attention back on Rory, "I know we're in the midst of a war but can't we at least maintain our honour?"

Mick laughs and everybody knows his answer before he even says it.

"I'd rather maintain my life professor."

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