A Future With Wool? Ew

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TRIGGER WARNING: If you have a history with abuse i suggest you read cautiously.
If you have a history with mental breakdowns i also suggest being careful when reading this.
If you feel as though you don't want to read through this chapter or don't feel comfortable reading about these things then you can always message me for a summary of the chapter



"There's no purpose for you here."

"You're forgettable."


"Nobody cares about you."


Her eyes shoot open but she doesn't move.

She feels beads of sweat trailing down the back of her neck and and her face. She tries to steady her breathing.

"What is it?" Someone asks from her side.

That's when Erin turns to face Sara with a smile on her face.

"Hi." She smiles at the assassin.

Sara smiles back for a moment and then her smile dissapears as she asks, "Are you okay?"

When Erin sends Sara a confused look she reiderates. "You're crying." She says.

When Erin touches her face she realizes that what she thought was sweat, is actually tears.

"Just a bad dream." She half-heartedly smiles.

"You want to talk about it?"

"I don't really remeber it." And that was true, Erin could barley remeber her dream. Only the few words that stuck in her mind; Forgettable, replacable, worthless.

"You sure?" Sara asks, a concerned look spreading across her face.

"I'm sure, it's okay." Erin smiles back.

Sara nods her head and returns the smile.

Of course Erin knew those words didn't really apply to her, but they still stuck in her mind.

The two layed in silence for a few moments.

Sara rolls over and reaches for her shirt amd her bra. When she reaches down she also grabs Erins bra and tosses it to her.

"Come on." She says while slipping on her underwear and pants, "We should probably go see what the rest of the team is up to."

Sara passes Erin the same things and Erin stands up to grab the shirt she would've put on earlier.

Sara stands by the door and watches Erin slip her shirt on. "You coming?" She finally asks.

Erin turns around after changing and smiles. "Lets go."

She quickly walks to Sara's side and the two walk out to find the team in the bridge.

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